Database Consistency Check

The Database Consistency Check checks the Communicare database and produces a report showing any data problems found.

If any problems are found that cannot be addressed they should be reported immediately to Communicare Support. If the report contains any data in the Table Name or Field Name columns, there is something to investigate.

The types of inconsistencies checked are either those that can arise from time to time due to environmental issues or historical data that was allowed to exist at some time but is now not allowed.

The following inconsistencies may be reported.

Table 1. Data inconsistencies
Section Error Description
Structure incomplete Structure Incomplete. Please edit this patient's biographic details. Errors in this section arise if a patient's Biographics window was open and the database connection was lost without the changes being saved. For each patient reported, in Patient Search, click Change Details, edit the details in some way and click OK. For example, add 'X' to the patient's name then remove it. A message is displayed identifying the inconsistency for you to deal with.
Patient Measurements Update Patient qualifier type mismatch Reported if a patient has a value for a qualifier that is inconsistent with the current definition of that data. For example, if there is a list of qualifiers but a patient has a numeric result recorded instead, they are reported. To fix these, contact Communicare Support.
Patient qualifier with wrong gender Reported if a patient has a value for a qualifier that should only be recorded in a patient of the other sex. Consult the clinical record and either correct the sex or delete the data.
Unstarted Services with Progress Note Errors in this section arise if there are services that have not started but have a progress note. This can happen if there is a conflict with data synchronisation, whereby an appointment is completed offline but is cancelled online at a later time but prior to synchronisation.
Withdrawn Services Withdrawn service with incorrect status A service may be reported as both withdrawn and, say, started. Edit the service details.
Services not validated Please edit Service Record on These services have some inconsistent data. Typically this is a data synchronisation problem, where conflicting details were recorded on the live database and a synchronised client. Edit the service details to correct.
Multiple Medication Items Multiple Chronic Meds with Free Text Med enabled Reported if more than one Chronic Medication type clinical item is enabled and Free Text Medication is also enabled. To correct this either disable all Chronic Medication type clinical items except one or disable Free Text Medication.
Multiple Acute Meds with Free Text Med enabled Reported if more than one Acute Medication type clinical item is enabled and Free Text Medication is also enabled. To correct this either disable all Acute Medication type clinical items except one or disable Free Text Medication.
Communicare Templates Letterhead exceeds 50Kb maximum. Please edit letterhead Edit the organisation letterhead. Communicare Support can advise on techniques for doing this.
Duplicate Places Duplicate Encounter Place Two or more encounter places of the same name. Rename encounter places so they are unique.
Unreferenced Encounter Programs Reported if there are references to encounter programs that do exist. Contact Communicare Support to investigate as this may result in encounters being wrongly hidden or exposed.
Localities with Invalid Postcodes Invalid Locality Postcode Locally added localities should all have a postcode of four digits 0000 - 9999.
Item Properties No Longer Allowed Illegal Qualifier Reference Type Qualifiers that are not lists should not have dropdown references defined. You may need the help of Communicare Support.
...should not be recallable For example, recallable clinical items which are not Procedures or Conditions. To correct the clinical items, go to File > Reference Tables > Clinical Item Types.
Invalid recall type responsibility Reported if there are recall rules where the responsible user group no longer has the rights to see the item being recalled. Fix in the patient record or contact Communicare Support.
... should not have required qualifiers Referral type clinical items are not allowed to have required qualifiers. To correct the clinical items, go to File > Reference Tables > Clinical Item Types.
Recalls with Invalid Responsibility Invalid recall responsibility Reported for patients with clinical items that are the responsibility of a user group that cannot see those clinical items any more. Correct the clinical record or contact Communicare Support.
Morbidity Types with invalid unique description Possible duplicate Reported for clinical items that have an invalid description, possibly because a Central data import introducing amended terms.
Multiple Identical Morbidity Types Reported if there are ten or more disabled clinical item types of the same description. This may be an indication of accidental processing of a data synchronisation file that contains errors. Contact Communicare Support to remove unused duplicates.
Multiple Starts to Same Pregnancy Reported if there is more than one start to the same pregnancy. This can happen if there is a conflict with data synchronisation, whereby a new pregnancy is started offline and is also started online prior to synchronisation.
Multiple Mothers or Fathers Reported if there is more than one father or more than one mother recorded in a patient's biographics. This can happen if there is a conflict with data synchronisation whereby a mother or father is recorded offline and is also recorded online prior to synchronisation.
Duplicate Patients Reported if two patient records have the same name, date of birth and sex. This can happen if there is a conflict with data synchronisation whereby a new patient record is recorded offline and is also recorded online prior to synchronisation.
Orphan Summary Qualifiers Reported if there is a latest qualifier value in the qualifier summary where the qualifier itself no longer exists. This can happen if there is a conflict with data synchronisation whereby a new summary qualifier value is recorded offline but the same clinical item is edited later prior to synchronisation without that qualifier being recorded.
Orphan Qualifiers Reported if there is a qualifier value attached to a clinical item that is in a state of being a recall or cancelled. This can happen if there is a conflict with data synchronisation whereby a new qualifier value is recorded offline but the same clinical item is edited later online prior to synchronisation by being cancelled.
Irregular Enrolment Sequences Reported when enrolment and exit items do not appear in the correct sequence with any action items for the same program, e.g. HACC. This can happen if there is a conflict with data synchronisation whereby an enrolment, exit or action item is recorded offline and is also recorded online prior to synchronisation.
Rogue Tables, Views and Stored Procedures Table/View/Stored procedure created by USERNAME These tables, views and stored procedures have been created locally and are not authorised. You will need to contact the support team to have them removed. If possible, talk to the user who created them to determine why they were created. Whilst these items remain, the database is potentially unstable and the consequences may range from poor performance to failed upgrades in the future.