Organisation Parameters - General

Use the General tab to configure general parameters for your practice.

Table 1. General Organisation Parameters
Parameter Description
  • Name of Practice
  • Address Line 1
  • Locality
  • Phone
  • Fax
Your organisation's details that appear on reports. Print any report to see how these details are displayed.
ABN Your organisation's Australian Business Number
ETP eRx Entity ID The Entity ID provided by eRx that identifies your organisation to eRx.
HPI-O Number

The current Healthcare Provider Identifier - Organisation (HPI-O) number assigned to your organisation. This field may appear with different coloured backgrounds depending on its status.

For ePrescribing, your encounter place must have a HPI-O number and be connected to the HI Service.

You may not be able to enter an HPI-O number if the HI Service module is switched off. See Healthcare Identifier Service for more detail on availability, as well as the rules that govern when an HPI-O Number search or validation is triggered.

This identifier is used when creating any CDA document to define the Custodian, or owner, of the document. For all other functions that require an HPI-O, such as My Health Record access, the HPI-O against the Encounter Place is used.

To validate a previously entered HPI-O Number with Medicare, click ValidateRevalidate HPI-O. The validation updates the last checked date against the HPI-O Number and may result in a new status or new number.

To display a history of HPI-O Numbers assigned to the organisation, click View HistoryView HPI-O History. See Viewing Healthcare Identifier History for more detail.

HPD Practice Name

The organisation name associated with your organisation's HPI-O in the Healthcare Provider Directory (HPD). This field can only be populated after the validation of an HPI-O, and is read only.

If the Organisation name in Communicare is different from the name recorded in the HPD, you will be prompted to allow this value to be set to the value in the HPD. Organisations that have a different name recorded in Communicare from the name registered in the HPD can make use of this. For example, a service operating under the auspice of another.

Clinic Hours Set the clinic days and start and end time. The clinic hours are used to determine if a service is an after hours service or not.
Setup the Letter Head

Use to set up your own letterhead in the 'Letter Writer' window.

Follow these guidelines:

  • Don't define page margins here - the actual letter will have its own margins
  • Restrict your letterhead to 630 pixels wide - if you are designing a letterhead rather than using an existing one, create a table with 2 columns and 1 row, 630 pixels wide, with no border, no cell padding, no cell spacing and no cell borders
  • Insert your logo into the left cell (left aligned)
  • Type your address in the right cell (right aligned)
  • Add the required variables from the right pane
  • Put a carriage return (ENTER) after the table so that users will be able to start typing under the letterhead
Results Folder Name The name of the folder where investigation results for the organisation are placed for importing into Communicare. This must be unique for each organisation. For example: \\APPSERVERNAME\Results\ORGFOLDERNAME\