Using the Offline Client
When healthworkers leave the clinic to work remotely, they should first ensure that the Communicare instance on their laptop is up-to-date.
- Synchronise data from the Communicare Production Server to the laptop.
- Leave the clinic with the laptop and work offline.
- Return to the clinic and upload changes from the laptop to the Communicare Production Server.
Synchronising your data - download
To take Communicare offline and have it function effectively away from the office, the data must first be synchronised to ensure that the offline database is up-to-date and accessible.
- On your laptop, click Synchronise Communicare or if you are already logged into Communicare, select .
- If you are logging in, in the Communicare Login window, enter your username and password in the relevant fields and select your organisation from the list. You may also be asked for a workstation location.
- In the Synchronise Communicare window, if a backup has been recently completed, you will get the following message: There is no new backup available to synchronise with. You don't need to synchronise with the server. Otherwise the backup will start.
- After the backup has been completed, click Start download.
- After the download has completed, click Start Offline Communicare to open
Communicare in offline mode. Note: Ensure that you log into Communicare using the offline client before you leave your health service so that you know everything is working correctly.
Working offline
- On your laptop, double-click Communicare Offline.
- The Communicare Login window shows Working Offline and the date and time of the replica you are using. Login using your usual credentials.

Synchronising your data - upload
Data is synchronised between a laptop running the offline Communicare client and the core Communicare server if a patient's record has been changed since the last time the laptop was synchronised with the server.
When you return to an office or internet connection, the offline client needs to upload its changed data (patient records and visit information) to the Communicare core production server and synchronise offline to online. The program will check if there is data to upload, whether there is a new version of Communicare available and if there is a new data to download.
The Data Synchronisation Client can only be used in conjunction with the server it originated from. For example, if your site has multiple servers it will not be able to install a Data Sychronisation Client from Server 1 and then upload changes to Server 2. You will always have to come back to Server 1 to synchronise changes.
- On your laptop, click Synchronise Communicare or if you are already logged into Communicare, select .
- If you are logging in, in the Communicare Login window, enter your username and password and select your organisation. You may also be asked for a workstation location.
- The Synchronisation program opens and detects any changes that occurred while you were offline.
To synchronise the data from the offline client to the server, click
Upload data to server. CAUTION: Do not click Discard data. Information entered offline will be irretrievably lost.
- When the synchronisation is complete you will see the message Your data was uploaded successfully. Click Close.
Your Communicare Administrator should check \\Communicare_installation\Results for any files older than 24 hours. If there are old files, report the problem to Communicare Support.
The server will prepare a database every evening and this will be available for DataSync Clients to download the next day. Changes uploaded from other DataSynch Clients and indeed any changes made since the database was created, will not appear on the Data Synchronisation Client.