Patients Reports
Patients reports provide information about individual patients.
Description | |
Address Details | Shows address details for patients of a selected age and
locality or locality group, including all phone numbers. Use this report to check patient addresses. An additional filter allows you to report only those details with potential issues that may cause problems when communicating with third parties such as Medicare and AIR. |
Administration Notes | Shows administration notes for selected patients. |
Biographics Added | Lists biographic details for new patients added to the
Communicare database since a selected date. The username of the
provider who added the patient is also displayed. Filter to show
patients added who do not have sex recorded, date of birth or
Medicare number, and so on. Column CRN refers to the
Centrelink information:
Column SEX refers to the patient sex:
Fictitious patients are excluded. |
Biographics Added - Risk Audit | Lists biographic and clinical details for new patients added
to the Communicare database between two dates. Filter to show
patients added who have no sex recorded, date of birth or
Medicare number, and so on. This report needs to be run by a user with access to the Common viewing right in order to see these risk factors. The report shows if adverse reactions have been assessed and also shows if there is a current family history, social history, smoking and alcohol status recorded. There is also a count of the number of consultations with a GP (where the GP recorded a progress note) since the patient was added (for more than 9 visits this is shown as 9+. For smoking,
the following codes are used:
For alcohol, the following codes are used:
(For alcohol, smoking, family history and social history, system codes are used so health services that use their own qualifiers will have these included if they have the appropriate system codes attached.) Fictitious patients are excluded. |
Biographics Filter | Prints the patient's full name and you can choose from a
variety of additional output fields such as date of birth,
locality, patient ID and various other identification numbers
such as Medicare and IHI number. This is the most versatile biographics report. Use this report to create patient lists. There is a variety of filters with which to limit the set of patients reported including patient status, sex, aboriginality, age, locality, and so on. |
Biographics for Selected Patient | Shows all information recorded in a selected patient's biographics. |
Birth Details Audit | Checks all 'Birth Details' items and indicates where the date
has not been set to the date of birth of the patient in whose
record the item is recorded. Key details are displayed for auditing. |
Births | Lists patients born with their birth weights. The standard report options determine which patient births are included in the report and other report characteristics. The report totals show number of births with average birth weight by locality. This report uses the earliest residence locality recorded. If births are recorded at the time of birth, this will accurately reflect the residence locality at birth (actual place of birth may be a hospital). If the report is run for patients who were recorded a considerable time after birth and the first residence recorded is not the residence locality at birth, then the report will be inaccurate. |
Births by Aboriginality | Shows patients born between two dates showing their name,
mother (if recorded), locality, date of birth and birth weight
(if recorded). Birth weight is selected from the patient biographics or, if this is not recorded, from the most recent weight recorded with a date equal to the date of birth of the patient. The locality is the locality of the patient at the end of the report period. If a birth was recorded later than the end date of the report the locality is displayed as '[Registered > DD/MM/YYYY]'. There is a filter to just show patients with no birthweight recorded or those born under 2500g or those born under 2000g. |
Card Numbers by Locality Group | Produces an alphabetical listing of all patients, including
their date of birth, Health Care Card number and Medicare card
number. Filter by current status and locality group |
Child Growth Faltering | For children under 5, looks at all patients aged between two
ages and shows their latest weight with the date taken, how many
standard deviations above or below the mean at the age this was
recorded and whether this has changed since the previous weight
taken at least two weeks before (that is has the latest weight
changed to a different standard deviation). If a child's weight has declined, this is reported as down even if it is within the same standard deviation. Also shown is the latest Hb with the date taken and if that value was anaemic for a child of the age and sex at the time of recording. The column SEX refers to the patient sex: F=Female, M=Male, D=Indeterminate, I=Intersex, N=Not Stated, U=Unknown / Inadequately Described, Blank: Not recorded. Column SEX refers to the patient sex:
Where a child has a 'Gestational age at birth' recorded on the 'Birth details' item in their record of 36 weeks or less, a label 'Prem' is shown. |
Child Weight Analysis | For children under 10, looks at all patients aged between two
ages and shows their latest weight with the date taken, how many
standard deviations above or below the mean at the age this was
recorded. The results are grouped and ordered from overweight to underweight. |
Chronic Disease Clients (Default) | A generic report that finds chronic disease patients based on
conditions recorded in their clinical record. Patients can be filtered by status, Aboriginality, sex, age, locality group, patient group and date of last contact. The resulting list shows all patients with at least one chronic disease (as defined below) and shows the date of the last MBS item 721, 723, 732 and 715 claim. The date of the last update to the care plan document is also shown (only care plan documents visible on the care plan tab are included). These
COVID-19 MBS items are included as equivalents of the health
assessment and chronic disease management items:
Only conditions classified by ICPC2 in the grouper 'CHRONIC CONDITIONS (ALL)' are included. Only conditions in the following topics are considered: 'Cardiovascular', 'Respiratory', 'Endocrine, Metabolic and Nutritional' and 'Urological'. Because this report is generic in nature, to suit local needs, copy & modify the report and mark as 'not public'. Advise your staff to use your variation which should be named without '(default)' in the report name. Your local variant of this report will not be maintained by Communicare. |
Clinical Item Group by Item | Lists all current patients who have a clinical item within a
selected clinical item group, filtered by patient status,
Aboriginality and Record Storage Site. This is a patient-based report. It lists patients once only, regardless of the number of times particular clinical items have been recorded for the patient. The patient will be reported multiple times where different clinical item types have been recorded within the selected group. Use this report:
Clinical Item Group by Locality | Lists all patients who have a clinical item within a selected
clinical item group, organised by current home locality. Use this report to locate all patients belonging to a particular disease or other group. This is a patient-based report. It lists patients once only, regardless of the number of times group clinical items have been recorded for the patient. |
Clinical Item Group by Locality and Item | Lists all current patients who have a clinical item within a
selected clinical item group, organised by current home
locality. Use this report to locate all patients belonging to a particular disease or other group when the item detail is required. This is a patient-based report. It lists patients once only, regardless of the number of times particular clinical items have been recorded for the patient. The patient will be reported multiple times where different clinical item types have been recorded within the selected group. |
Clinical Item Group by Patient Group Membership | Lists patients who have clinical items recorded in a selected
Clinical Item Group, e.g. Chronic Conditions (All), and are or
are not part of a selected patient group on a specified date,
filtered by patient status, Aboriginality and locality
group. This can be used, for example, to find Aboriginal patients with a chronic disease who have not been registered with PIP if you use a patient group to record PIP registration. |
Clinical Item Group Patient Labels | Prints a mailing address label for all current patients who
have a clinical item within a selected clinical item group and
have or have not been seen since a specified date, filtered by
locality group, patient status and Aboriginality. There is an
option to include the mother's name on the address label if this
is recorded in biographics and if the patient is under 18 years
old. Use this report to print address labels for all patients belonging to a particular disease or other group who may need a standard letter concerning their attendance or non-attendance at the health service. This is a patient-based report. It lists patients once only, regardless of the number of times particular clinical items have been recorded for the patient. |
Clinical Records Added | Lists all recalls completed and other clinical items added
since the selected date. Fictitious patients are excluded. |
Date of Last Service | Produces a sorted list of current patient names, addresses
and telephone numbers and the date of their latest service. A filter can be applied to select only those patients whose last visit was after a specified date or to select only those patients whose last visit was before a specified date (this portion includes patients who have never visited). 'No client contact' services are excluded. |
Deaths | Lists patients who have died. The standard report options determine which patient deaths are included in the report and other report characteristics. The report totals show number of deaths with average age by locality. |
Duplicate Babies | Looks for babies added with the given name 'BABY OF [MOTHER]'
or 'BO [MOTHER]' or 'B/O [MOTHER]' or 'NEWBORN' where there
exists another record for a patient with the same date of birth
and surname. Also searched for are 'TWIN 1 OF', 'TWIN 2 OF', 'TRIP 1 OF', and so on. For more information, see Adding a New Patient. Use this report to find duplicate records for babies added before the given names were known. Once duplicate records are confirmed the patients should be merged. |
Eligible for CTG Co-payment Relief | Shows all patients marked in biographics as being registered
for CTG PBS co-payment relief or who have had a 'PIP - Patient
Consent' letter, 'PIP - Registration' letter or 'PIP -
Registration and Consent' letter recorded. Also shown are the latest date of recording of a 'PIP - Patient Consent' letter and/or 'PIP - Registration' letter and/or 'PIP - Registration and Consent' letter. The report can be filtered by Aboriginality to find any patients registered who are not Aboriginal or do not have this status recorded. A further filter allows you to find patients not recorded as registered. The 'CD' column indicates if the patient has a condition shown on their clinical summary that belongs to the CHRONIC CONDITIONS (ALL) group. |
Emergency Contacts | Shows details of emergency contact information stored on the
![]() Use this report to find patients with no emergency contact information or to review the completeness of this data. Set filters to include patients without any information or those with information, complete or partial and by locality group. |
Group Members | Produces a list of members of a specific patient group during
a specified time period. Deceased and fictitious patients are excluded. |
IHI Missing Attempts | Lists attempts to find individual Health Identifiers for patients who do not currently have one visible in the patient biographics. |
Individual Health Identifiers | Shows the IHI for selected patients if it is known, with the status of the IHI displayed (such as, Disabled, Missing) if the IHI is not recorded. |
Invalid Health Care Card Details | Lists all patients who are missing Centrelink numbers or have
expired cards. The report includes spaces for HIC to write in
the correct details. There are options to specify patient status and Aboriginality. Patients with 'No Card' selected are excluded. |
Invalid Medicare Details | Lists all patients who are missing Medicare card number
details, have expired cards or have failed online validation, bu
locality if required. The report includes spaces for Medicare
Australia to write in the correct details. Use this report to create a list that may be sent to Medicare Australia to solicit corrected numbers. Users of online claiming should validate Medicare cards for all patients before running this report. The report can be run for all patients (except fictitious patients) or for patients of a selected status, such as current patients. You can also use this report to check for those patients with duplicate Medicare card numbers. This feature relies on online validation having been performed for all patients beforehand. Deceased patients are excluded. |
Invalid Mobile Phone Numbers | Shows patients with mobile phone numbers that are unsuitable
for use in automated SMS messaging, for appointment reminders,
and so on. Acceptable mobile phone numbers can have spaces, hyphens and/or brackets and must start with '04' and must have at least ten digits. Additional digits will be ignored. Additional text is allowed so long as the phone number adheres to the above rules. Excluded from this report are mobile phone numbers of '00' as this is an accepted convention indicating that the patient has no mobile phone number. |
List by Special Lookup | Lists patients by their special lookup options. |
List for Selected Age and Status | Lists living patients in a selected age range and a selected status for a specific locality. |
List for Selected Locality | Lists patients of a selected current status whose home address is in the selected locality. |
List for Selected Locality Group | Lists all current patients living in a selected locality group. |
Medicare Card Validation Errors | Displays patients who are unable to have their Medicare details validated due to errors. The patients are grouped by the particular error message. |
Medicare Cards about to Expire | Shows all patients with Medicare cards where the expiry date
is within the next specified number of days or unknown. The Medicare expiry date is not automatically updated by the electronic patient card validation program so this information must be kept up to date manually. |
My Health Record Registered Patients | Shows basic biographic details required for registration of
patients who appear to have registered for a My Health Record or
not. There is a filter to allow you to select either registered
patients or unregistered patients. This is the logic that is
This means that some patients in this report may have a My Health Record if they registered themselves or registered outside this Communicare database and have not yet attended the clinic to be seen by a provider with the rights to access that patient's My Health Record. These patients are classified as 'Unregistered'. |
Names By Age | Lists patients by age in years. |
Names with Illegal Characters | Lists patients with illegal characters in any of their
names. Use this report to fix these patients with an alias as well as a preferred name. |
NDIS Status | Lists all patients with an NDIS status, grouped by the status. |
Patient Card Numbers | Produces an alphabetical listing of all patients their Date of Birth, Health Care Card Number and Medicare Card Number. |
Patient Labels | Print labels for the selected patient. Different types of label can be printed. The type of label printed from any particular workstation is controlled by Patient Label Options. For more information, see Patient Labels. |
Patient Mailing Label | Prints a single mailing address label for a selected
patient. This has been tested using a ZebraLink TLP 2844-Z printer with Avery L7042D labels (70mm x 42 mm). To adapt it for other label printers copy and edit this report and change the label layout to suit. |
Patient Query | The Patient Query is a powerful tool that allows you to
produce a list or count of patients according to a wide variety
of selection criteria. Use this report when none of the other reports can produce the results you require. If for example you want a list of patients who have had a particular immunisation, it would be better to use the Immunisations Performed report than the Patient Query. |
Patient Specimen Label | Prints a single specimen label for a selected patient.
This has been tested using a ZebraLink TLP 2844-Z printer with Avery L7042D labels (70mm x 42 mm). To adapt it for other label printers copy and edit this report and change the label layout to suit. |
Patient Summary | Prints information about the current patient. For more information, see Patient Summary. |
Patients Not Seen Recently | Shows all patients within a specified age range that have not
had a contact service recorded within a specified time period
(previous number of months). Use this report to find children between two ages who have not been seen recently enough for a health check. |
Program Current Enrolments | Lists the names of clients currently enrolled in programs.
Programs in this report are defined as those for which enrolment
is defined by the addition of a clinical item with a rule code
of 'xx-ENROL' where 'xx' is a two character code identifying the
program. Use this report to manage program enrolments. Fictitious clients are ignored. |
Search By Age | Lists living patients in a selected Locality Group and age
range with options to filter by patient status and patient sex
and includes patient ID, name, Medicare number and date of
birth. The age range must be specified in years, months,
weeks and days presented as, for example:
Search By Street Name | Reports all patients living in a particular street. A case
insensitive text search of the whole of the patient address, for
any word or part of a word entered into either line 1 or line 2
of a patient's current address., is performed for the street
name entered when the report is run. Use this report to find patients where the correct locality may not have been recorded as such. |
Special Check (Unconfirmed Patients) | Lists all the patients who have not had the special check
"Confirmed". The report excludes fictitious patients and is grouped into 'Never asked' and 'denied consent'. |
With Names Reversed | Shows all patient names where the reversed names are recorded
for another patient. For example, where a patient MARTIN SMITH exists and there is a patient with the name SMITH MARTIN, this report lists both patients. Use this report to check that a patient has not been incorrectly recorded. There are options to only consider those patients with the same sex or those with an exact or similar date of birth. Patients with no date of birth are not included. Duplicates should be merged and the reversed alias deleted. |
With Same DoB, Medicare No | Lists details of patients with identical dates of birth and
Medicare card living in a particular locality group. The issue
number and the reference number are ignored unless the option to
include them is selected. Use this report to find possible duplicate patients with different names. Note that twins sharing the same Medicare card and parents sharing the same Medicare card and date of birth will be reported also. |
With Selected Clinical Item | Lists all current patients with a selected clinical
item. This report is patient-based, not clinical item-based. It will list a patient only once, regardless of the number of times the clinical item is recorded in the patient's record. Patient contact information, specifically their Phone, Work and Mobile numbers are included in the Excel version of this report Complete and incomplete items are included in this report (i.e. recalls and cancelled recalls are excluded). Patient status and age is assessed at the time of running the report. |
Without DoB or Sex | Lists all patients who do not have a date of birth or sex
recorded. Column SEX refers to the patient sex:
Without Selected Clinical Item | Lists all current patients between two ages who have not had
a specified clinical item added between two dates. This report can be used, for example, to find all patients over 50 who have not had a Fluvax in the previous 12 months. |
Without Selected Recall | Lists all patients between two ages who do not have a
specified recall. This report can be used, for example, to find all women over 15 who do not have an existing pap smear recall. |