Flinders Care Plan
The Flinders Care Plan dataset is made available to health services that are part of the Flinders Program and have undergone required training with Flinders University, S.A.
The Flinders Care Plan uses the Flinders Model of Chronic Disease Care Management as adapted for Closing the Gap.
Flinders University requires that health services complete training before the Flinders Care Plan dataset is made available to sites. For more information on how to apply, see http://www.flinders.edu.au/medicine/sites/fhbhru/programs-services/ or https://www.flindersprogram.com.au/.
- Clinical items:
- Flinders 01;Check;My Life My Mob
- Flinders02;Check;I am Strong Because
- Flinders03;Check;Strengths Needs Worry
- Flinders04;Check;My Journey;P&G
- Flinders05;Flinders Care Plan
- Flinders06;Follow up;Partners in Health
- Flinders07;Follow up;My Journey;P&G
- Flinders11;Check;Tobacco Yarn
- Flinders12;Check;Conversation;Tobacco
- Flinders13;Check;My Journey Tobacco;P&G
- Flinders14;Flinders Care Plan;Tobacco
- Flinders15;Follow up;PIH;Tobacco
- Flinders16;Follow up;P&G;Tobacco
- Reports:
- Analysis Report
- Recalls Due
- Target Population
- Automatic recall rules:
- Flinders03;Check;Strengths Needs Worry On Completion Flinders06;Follow up;Partners in Health
- Flinders04;Check;My Journey;P&G On Completion Flinders05;Flinders Care Plan
- Flinders04;Check;My Journey;P&G On Completion Flinders07;Follow up;My Journey;P&G
- Flinders06;Follow up;Partners in Health On Completion Flinders06;Follow up;Partners in Health
- Flinders07;Follow up;My Journey;P&G On Completion Flinders07;Follow up;My Journey;P&G
- Flinders12;Check;Conversation;Tobacco On Completion Flinders07;Follow up;My Journey;P&G
- Flinders13;Check;My Journey Tobacco;P&G On Completion Flinders14;Flinders Care Plan;Tobacco
- Flinders13;Check;My Journey Tobacco;P&G On Completion Flinders16;Follow up;P&G;Tobacco
- Flinders15;Follow up;PIH;Tobacco On Completion Flinders15;Follow up;PIH;Tobacco
- Flinders16;Follow up;P&G;Tobacco On Completion Flinders16;Follow up;P&G;Tobacco
- Letter templates:
- Flinders Care Plan - Chronic Condition - Self Management
- Flinders Care Plan - Tobacco Intervention - Self Management

If you need help completing Flinders Care Plan clinical items or other support, contact the Flinders Model team at http://flindersprogram.com/ or telephone (08) 8404 2607.
For Communicare technical support, speak to your Communicare Administrator or contact Communicare Support as normal.