Delete HealthLink SmartForms

You can delete a saved or submitted HealthLink SmartForm from Communicare, just as you can with any other document.

Documents are removed from display but are not deleted from the database.

Only users who belong to a user group with the HealthLink SmartForms system right enabled can work with SmartForms. Users without this system right can still view saved or submitted SmartForms.

To delete a HealthLink SmartForm:
  1. In a clinical record, select the SmartForm:
    • On the Progress Notes iconProgress Notes tab for the current service.
    • On Detail iconDetail > Document tab.
  2. Click Delete iconDelete.
  3. In the Delete Document window, enter an explanation for why you are deleting the SmartForm.
  4. Click Save iconOK.
A progress note is created, prefixed with <Deleted> SmartForm "comment" and displayed on the Progress Notes icon Progress Notes tab.
Example deleted HealthLink SmartForm