Logging in to Communicare

Read the disclaimer and log in using your unique credentials. What you see in the Communicare application and database is restricted based on your log in credentials.

You will sign in to Communicare using either your Microsoft Windows credentials or specific Communicare credentials provided to you by your Communicare Administrator. You cannot log in if your username is inactive.

You should never share your log in details with anyone. Actions such as adding, changing and viewing data are recorded in the database by username, workstation, time and so on. This allows very good traceability and accountability. If you tell other people your password, they may impersonate you and their actions will be recorded as if they were your actions.
To log in to Communicare:
  1. Read the disclaimer, and the important and warning information. Click MIMS End User Licence Agreement to read the EULA.
    If you have a licensing issue or wish to review your licensing agreement, contact Communicare Support.
  2. If single sign-on is enabled for your health service using Windows Active Directory integration, your Microsoft Windows username and password are automatically included in the Login window. Click Accept to log in.
  3. If instead of single sign-on, Communicare-specific credentials have been provided to you:
    1. In the Username field, enter the username provided to you.
    2. In the Password field, enter the password provided to you.
    3. Click Agree iconI Agree.
    4. If your administrator set that you need to change your password, the User Maintenance window is displayed. Enter the password that was supplied to you, and a new password and click Save iconSave.

You are logged into Communicare.

If you had to reset your password, Communicare closes. Run Communicare again and log in using your new password.

When the offline version of Communicare (Data Synchronisation Client) is started, both the Sync Download current as of and Sync Upload current as of date and time are displayed:
  • Sync Download current as of is the time at which the backup that was downloaded completed on the server. Data in that backup and available on the offline client is current from when the backup started, which may be an hour or more before the time displayed.
  • Sync Upload current as of is the time that data was last successfully sent to the server. Uploaded data is available as soon as it has been processed by the server.
If you have any trouble logging in, contact your local Communicare Administrator.

Communicare is automatically locked after 15 minutes of inactivity by default. To continue using Communicare, login again with the same password you used originally.