Adding walk-in patients to a service
Add walk-in patients to a walk-in session, or if this session is very busy, or you don't have a dedicated walk-in session, add walk-in patients to a general session.
- Priority - where 1 is the highest priority and 3 is the lowest. Exact
priorities are determined by your organisation:
- By default, all walk-in patients for a dedicated walk-in only session are assigned a priority of 2.
- By default, walk-in patients in a General service are assigned a priority of 3.
- By default, booked patients are assigned a priority of 2.
- Sequence date:
- For a booking that hasn't yet started, the booked time
- For a patient who has arrived, the arrived or check-in time. If your organsiation has a grace period set and the patient arrives late for their appointment, the priority for their appointment may be lowered.
- For a service that has started, the start time
- Encounter number: two services with the same priority and sequence date are listed in the order created
In the Service Recording window,
In the Add Patient to Service Recording window:
- In the Patient Name field, enter the patient's name.
- Select the required patient from the patient list.
- Click Select Patient.
In the Session Selection window, select the required
session from the sessions available today at your encounter place and click
If a walk-in session isn't available, it has either not started or has not yet passed the last walk-in time available. The number of patients waiting for the session and the scheduled end time of the session are listed.Tip:If you see a patient for an emergency on a public holiday or outside of hours when the practice is otherwise closed and there are no sessions available, click
Extra. The encounter is recorded as a service of type Extra with no session. If you open a clinical record directly rather than from the Service Recording window, the encounter is always recorded as a service of type Extra.
In the Service Record window:
- In the Providers list, ensure that the Provider is correct.
- In the Priority list, select a priority for the patient. This determines the order in which patients will be seen if the provider is working from the top of the list.
- In the Service message field, enter supporting information for the priority. For example, URGENT, head wound.
- Check the other information for this patient.
- Click Save.
Patients are listed in the Service Recording window in priority order. Providers can use this list as a guide to determine in which order to see patients, and open patient clinical records from the list.
If you added the walk-in patient to a General session, they are added to the end of the bookings, unless you have changed their priority. If you changed the walk-in patient's priority to the same or higher than the booked patients (generally a priority of 2), they are added to the Service Recording list before the next booked patient.
If a selection is cancelled, you can record the service without a session, as an Extra service. Extra services do not have a provider or encounter place assigned automatically. Set or change these manually.