Transport Requirement Maintenance
Use the Transport Requirement Maintenance window to add or modify transport requirements.
To add a new transport requirement:
- Open the Transport Requirement Maintenance window using one
of the following methods:
- From the Transport Requirement List, click
Add and select a patient.
- In the patient's clinical record, click
- When creating a referral using a clinical item, for example,
Referral;dentist, click
Add Transport Requirement.
- From the Transport Requirement List, click
- In the Transport Requirement Maintenance window, set an
arrangement option. The arrangement option affects the possible completion
options. Select either:
- Arranged with patient's knowledge - if the patient was unavailable for pickup, the transport cannot be resolved with Patient could not be found, instead it must be resolved with Patient did not attend
- Arranged without patient's knowledge - if the patient was unavailable for pickup, the transport cannot be resolved with Patient did not attend, instead resolve it with Patient could not be found
- From the Transport Driver list, select a driver. The list of drivers contains all providers who have been designated as Transport Drivers. For more information, see Providers.
- In the Other transport requirements section, review any other active transport requirements for the current patient to avoid clashes.
- From either the pickup Date/Time calendar or dropoff
Date/Time calendar, select a transport date and then
edit the pickup or dropoff time. Tip:Typically, specify only a dropoff date and time for pickups to provide the transport driver with more flexibility. A transport requirement may have both a pickup date and a dropoff date, however you will be prompted to confirm that there is enough time between the two entries.
- In the Pickup section, click either Encounter Places, Address Book or Patient's Home and select a pickup address.
- In the Dropoff section, click either Encounter Places, Address Book or Patient's Home and select a pickup address.
- In the Comments field, enter any other relevant information for the driver.
- Click
Save and Schedule a Return if the patient will be returned to their pickup address after their appointment, or
Save if transport is required only one-way.
- If you created a return journey, enter the return journey dates and times and save. To provide the transport driver with more flexibility, for return journeys, specify only a pickup time.
The new transport requirement is added to the Transport Requirement List. Print if required.
Rescheduling cancelled transport requirements
You can easily reschedule transport requirements that have been cancelled for any of the
following reasons:
- Patient did not attend
- Patient could not be found
- Refused by Patient
- Appointment rescheduled
To reschedule a cancelled appointment:
- In the Transport Requirement List, deselect Hide Inactive.
- Double-click the cancelled appointment that you want to reschedule.
- In the Transport Requirement Maintenance window, click
Carry Forward. The details of the transport requirement, except the date and time, are copied to a new transport requirement.
- Select a new pickup or dropoff Date/Time.
- Click
Setting a transport requirement to complete
You can set the status of a transport requirement from either the
Transport Requirement List or the Transport
Requirement Maintenance window. To complete a transport requirement
in the Transport Requirement Maintenance window:
- In the Transport Requirement Maintenance window, for the Completed Status, set an option.
- Click