Secure Messaging in Communicare version 22.2
March 28, 2023
March 28, 2023
The soon to be released Communicare version 22.2 enables searching of online provider directories, including HealthLink. You will now be able to send secure messages to HealthLink via Communicare.
The new combined address book will make it easier to search online provider directories and add addresses to your local address book. Using the combined address book, you can search your local address book and multiple online provider directories from the same place and clearly see which contacts are available for secure messaging. Whenever Communicare calls the address book, be it from referrals, imprest, consolidated orders or transport, the combined address book can now be displayed.
Incoming messages now also support HTML documents. HTML documents will now be displayed with other incoming documents and letters in the Documents and Results> Received Doc tab.
There are additional options for your Secure Message Exchange configuration so that preferred paths for incoming documents from different secure messaging vendors can be set up for your health service.
Outgoing HealthLink messages contain a code for your organisation so that the message recipients can reply to your address if required. For documents sent using secure messaging, the secure message status and the recipient’s name are now displayed in the patient’s clinical record, Detail > Document tab.