Version 3.7

Release notes for V3.7.

Patient Status

Patients can now have a recorded status of Current, Transient, Past or Fictitious. Patient status is an important indicator that allows reports and analysis to accurately select only the appropriate patients. For example, a Recalls Due report would normally be targeted at only the Current Patients. The topic Patient Status has more details.

Patient Groups

Patients can now be allocated to groups which can be useful for specific reporting. Groups can be defined for three types of group at present - Case Worker, Inclusive Care Program and Unique Care Program. The topics Patient Group Membership and Patient Group Maintenance provide more details.

Clinical Item Datasets

Communicare can now import specific clinical item datasets such as ICPC2-Plus. The import uses a special program and database on the Communicare Distribution CD which must be run on the Server. Datasets are selected in File|System Parameters after running the program which is then run again to 'activate' the datasets. Appropriate Users Groups are then given the Access Rights to use these new clinical items. The topic Central Data Update has more details.

Transport Services

There is now a module which can be used for recording transport services. Drivers, distances, stops and numbers of passengers picked up and dropped off can be recorded and reported on where a practice offers this service to its patients.


This version also addresses a bug in the way Service Recording handled the adding of patients.