Version 8.6

Release notes for V8.6.


From this version onwards a Communicare upgrade rebuilds the metadata of the database. This means that any metadata (stored procedures, view, tables, fields, etc) that have been defined locally will be lost. This may cause some specific local reports to no longer work.

If you are aware of any metadata that has been created locally please let us know BEFORE ARRANGING AN UPGRADE. We can advise you if you are unsure.

Metadata cannot have been created using the Communicare program but only by other database tools. Normal usage of Communicare will not create metadata.

Shared Electronic Health Record

There have been major improvements in the performance of the SEHR Initial Health Profile.

MIMS Update

There have been performance improvements in the MIMS database import.

Letter Writing

The address details for the Health Service and Clinic have been further itemised. Users can now select the most suitable phone or fax or clinic name with the most suitable address. Health Service address details are kept at File|System Parameters and clinic address details are kept at File|Reference Tables|Encounter Place.

<color Red>CAUTION: the letter item Health Service.Clinic Address is now just the address details. To include the clinic name, fax and phone use the item Health Service.Clinic Details if appropriate. Pay attention to your letterhead if the clinic address item has been used in this.</color>

Rural Prescription

The rural prescription form now orders medications the same as the clinical record medication summary. Also, when a reprint is performed and there are regular medications that have been recorded but not prescribed, the misleading date of '17/11/1858' is replaced with 'No date!' to alert users to the fact that the medication has no prescibed or until dates.


There have been performance improvements and structural changes to various server applications.