Firewall Configuration


When virus scanners do real-time, on-access scans of the database, there is potential for serious performance penalties and corruption of the database file itself. Therefore, certain areas must be excluded from all scanning (whether it be scheduled or real-time).

Exclude the following folders, including all files and subfolders from all virus scans.
Use C:\\Program Files\\ or C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ as appropriate.
  • Communicare folder: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Communicare\\
  • Firebird Server folder: C:\\HQbird
  • Argus folder (if Argus is installed): C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Argus\\
  • Database folder: D:\\
If possible, exclude the following file extensions from being scanned:
  • Firebird database files: *.FDB, *.GDB
If these exclusions are not possible with the virus scanner, do not use it on the appliance server.

Firewall Exceptions

Some Communicare and third party processes rely on external connections to function.

Table 1. Required firewall and proxy exceptions
Process Description Protocol Source IP Source Port Destination IP Destination port
Firebird SQL Allow a Communicare Client to connect to a Communicare Server. Mandatory for most basic configuration. TCP Communicare Client IP Random Communicare Server IP 3050 and 3051
Shared Folders Access to the Communicare Server shared folders. All Communicare Shared folders are read-only with the exception of 'Results' if that exists. Everyone can connect to a Communicare shared folder without a password or username. TCP and UDP Client IP Random Communicare Server IP

135...139 and 445

(Not all ports are always required, but should be configured)

Medicare Australia Mandatory for online claiming only. TCP Communicare Client IP and Server Random http (80)
Medicare Australia Mandatory for online claiming only. TCP Communicare Client IP and Server Random https (443)
Medicare Australia - AIR Mandatory for AIR web page only. TCP Communicare Client IP and Server Random https (443)
Health Identifier Service Mandatory for online claiming only. TCP Communicare Client IP and Server Random https (443)
My Health Record Mandatory for MHR TCP Communicare Client IP and Server Random https (443)
eRx Mandatory for electronic prescriptions TCP Communicare Client IP Random
where APPSERVERNAME is the name of the Appliance Server or VM on which Communicare is installed
Shared Electronic Health Records - My eHealth Record (MeHR) All NT Communicare Clients must be able to make outgoing connections to the NT HealthConnect repository TCP Communicare Client IP and Server Random 8080
Secure Electronic Messaging System - Argus 6 For the Communicare server to use a SEMS it must connect to an Argus server or run an Argus server on the Communicare server. TCP Communicare Server IP Random Argus server 60000 (or as set up on Argus server)
National Health Services Directory TCP Communicare Server IP and Communicare Client IP Random https (443)
National Health Services Directory TCP Communicare Server IP and Clients Random https (443)
SMS Messaging Allow the Communicare server to send SMS messages. TCP Communicare Server IP Random 9000
Communicare FTP Server Passive mode settings. TCP Communicare Server IP Random ( 22
Communicare Remote Support Remote support using Team Viewer. TCP Communicare Server IP Random 80, 443 & 5938
QH VIEWER For North West Hospital Health Services, QLD only TCP Communicare Client IP and Server Random https (443)
Real Time Prescription Monitoring (RTPM) Service The address of the RTPM web service TCP Communicare Client IP and Server Random

You may also need to allow a firewall exception for the IP addresses associated with this URL. Contact eRx for further information.

SNOMED Terminology Browser Location Access to link clinical item terms to SNOMED terms using the CSIRO Shrimp Server TCP Communicare Server IP and Communicare Client IP Random ( https (443)
SNOMED Terminology FHIR Validation Service Allow linked SNOMED terms on clinical items to validate. TCP Communicare Server IP and Communicare Client IP Random ( https (443)