Demonstration Data

The demonstration version of Communicare contains sample data that you can use to test the functionality of Communicare. This section includes sample data that can be used to test specific modules.

Logging On

If you are using the demonstration version of Communicare, you can log in using any of the following users, no password is required.
Table 1. Demonstration acounts
Username User Group Provider Role
ELLISONC Doctors Christine Ellison General Medical Practitioner
NORRISD Registered Nurses Dianne Norris Registered Nurse
HOLLINGSW Health Workers William Hollings Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker
ADMINISTRATOR System Administrator Administrator and impersonates others System Administrator


Table 2. Demonstration organisations
Name Uses
Millennium Health Service

Default organisation

Has a HPI-O for use in CDA Documents

Encounter Places

Table 3. Demonstration encounter places
Name Uses
Eastern Branch Clinic Has a HPI-O for use in CDA Documents

Associated with a Nash Org Certificate for My Health Record use

Millennium Health Service Default Encounter Place

Has a HPI-O for use in CDA Documents

Associated with a Nash Org Certificate for My Health Record use

Northern Branch Clinic Has a HPI-O for use in CDA Documents

Associated with a Nash Org Certificate for My Health Record use

Western Branch Clinic Has a HPI-O for use in CDA Documents

Associated with a Nash Org Certificate for My Health Record use


Table 4. Demonstration providers
Name Uses
Christine Ellison Default Provider

Has a HPI-I for use in CDA documents and My Health Record Access. Has Medicare provider number

William Hollings Has a HPI-I for use in CDA documents and My Health Record Access
Diane Norris Has a HPI-I for use in CDA documents and My Health Record Access
Molly Ayers Has Medicare provider number
Jacob Barbour Has Medicare provider number


Use the following demonstration patients to test different aspects of Communicare, where:
  • IHI - the patient has a valid number and you can send and receive CDA documents for the patient (the standard format for eHealth Messages in Australia)
  • My Health Record - the patient has a test My Health Record that you access
  • MeHR - the patient is registered for MeHR in the NT
  • Medicare - the patient has a valid Medicare number
  • DVA number - the patient has a valid DVA number
  • NCSR - the patient exists in the National Cancer Screening Register
Table 5. Demonstration patients
Name IHI My Health Record MeHR Medicare DVA NCSR
Vera Ashley Smith
Martin Evan Brown
Theresa May A'Kay
Avocado Connected
Celeb Adelaide Suzanne
Dot Diaz
Craig Duncan
Nicholas Lassiter
Alexandra Elmore
Frank Aldridge
Lucas Baird
Leo Armstrong
Joshua Baxter
Billie Baxter
Cheryl Hunt
Leroy Hunt
Lexie Hunt
Aldo Hunt
Lincoln Polish
Tom Clock
Alan Gardener
Kaitlin Rivera
Chantelle Mcdonald
Anna Lau

NCSR test integration

To connect to the NCSR:
  1. On the File > System Parameters > System tab, set NCSR Integration.
  2. On the File > System Parameters > Web Services tab, in the National Cancer Screening Register (NCSR) section, enter the following credentials:
    Table 6. Demo - NCSR credentials
    Field Value
    Certificate NCSR NASH org demo certificate

For more information, see Enable NCSR.

Use the demo patients who are enabled in the NCSR test environment described in Table 5.

Demonstration licence extension

Demonstration licences are valid for 3 months. If your licence expires and you still need the Demonstration version of Communicare, contact Communicare Support to discuss your options.