DataSync support

Check this list of commonly asked questions and answers relating to the use of Communicare DataSync before contacting Communicare Support.

Table 1. DataSync FAQ
Problem Answer
Why won't my user name and password work when I try to log into the Offline Client?

If you've only just been given a login to Communicare, your username and password may not have been updated in the Offline Client yet. This is because the Offline Client uses the data from the most recent backup that has been downloaded.

To correct this, contact Support or your local administrator and request a manual backup.

I didn't receive a notification that my offline client files were uploaded.
  1. Log into Communicare Online and search for a record or information that would relate to your latest upload.
  2. If you cannot connect, check your internet connection is active.
  3. If the results are still missing, run Synchronise Communicare again.
  4. If your updates are still missing, contact Communicare Support for further assistance to resolve this for you.
My database update didn’t work.
  1. Check your internet connection.
  2. Check your user login details.
  3. Check the disk space.
  4. Confirm there is a new download available.
I need to leave for a clinic & can’t wait to download the morning backup. The information from the last remote, offline clinic will still be available on the laptop that was last used for that clinic, so taking the same laptop for that clinic is the easiest option if there isn’t time to download the consolidated backup of the database. However, ensure you synchronise the laptop as soon as possible.
There is new information from this morning that I need offline this afternoon. Contact Communicare Support to manually request a backup throughout the day.
This could impact the performance of the Communicare system while the backup completes.
Can patient information be compromised by other laptops using DataSync?

Generally, there shouldn’t be any patient information related issues. However there may be gaps in patient data until each Offline client has run the Synchronise Data application.

If you have any specific concerns because of information you are expecting to be available, ask your Communicare Administrator to check the Synchronisation Results folder for any records that may have failed to update and to see if they can be resolved with the clinician or user who updated the information.