Government Reporting Tool

Use the Government Reporting Tool (GRT) to extract primary health care key performance indicators (nKPIs) for indigenous people from Communicare, analyse the data and directly upload the data to the Health Data Portal.

Since January 2019, the Government Reporting Tool (GRT) has been used to extract data for the nKPI, OSR and Health Care Provider (HCP) submissions from Communicare. This tool should be used by health service management personnel who are responsible for periodically collating, analysing and reporting on nKPI data. The GRT uploads the extracted data to the Commonwealth Department of Health (DoH) Health Data Portal.

For more information about Indigenous Health Data Reporting, see IHDR User Help.

Before each submission period, Communicare Support will contact local Communicare Administrators to ensure that the GRT is accessible and any updates to the GRT and reports are communicated.

Data can also be reviewed at any time using the following Communicare report suites:
  • Report > nKPI
  • Report > OSR
  • Report > Health Care Providers

Communicare Administrators should run these reports regularly to check that their health service’s data is on track before the January and July submission deadlines.

For state-based reporting, NT KPI and NSW KPI reporting suites are available in Communicare as both individual reports and aggregated summaries. Refer to your state health departments for the correct process to submit your data.

Government Reporting Tool prerequisites

Before you run the Government Reporting Tool and upload Indigenous Health Data from Communicare to the Health Data Portal, ensure that each of the following steps are completed:
  1. Obtain the AIHW security data token from the Department of Health.
  2. Communicare Support has enabled the data token for your site.
  3. Communicare Support has set up and configured SQL Server Express for your organisation.
  4. Communicare Support has installed the Government Reporting Tool on your organisation’s Communicare server and ensured that it is working correctly.

Government Reporting Tool overview

To ensure that your site is ready for the reporting submission period, complete the following steps:
  1. Ensure Communicare is configured in accordance with the NPKI information and that staff are using the correct items.
  2. Use the Communicare reports to audit biographics for missing data and ensure staff are using the correct place and mode to record consults.
  3. Run the nKPI reports, OSR and Health Care provider reports reports in Communicare to verify the state of the data and repeat steps 1-2 if required. For a list of the available government report suites in Communicare, see Statutory Reporting and Communicare.
  4. Ensure the Government Reporting Tool is installed and accessible by the Communicare Administrator or person responsible for uploading to the Health Data Portal.

When these steps are complete, you can run the Government Reporting Tool to submit your data to the DoH Health Data Portal.