OSR summary

Summary of Online Services Report (OSR) data collection.

This information relates to V17.1 of the Specifications for National Key Performance Indicators and Online Services Reporting (Solving Health, Specifications for National Key Performance Indicators and Online Services Reporting V17.1. Sydney: Solving Health, August 2024). For more information, see https://www.solvinghealth.au/specifications.

The OSR collects national data about organisations which receive funding from the Indigenous Australians’ Health Programme (IAHP) to deliver health services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. These services include primary health care, maternal and child health care.

The OSR dataset focuses on the characteristics of these services, along with the activities and services they provide. It provides a basic measure of activity, volume and coverage of services. It does not collect information on Indigenous health outcomes, which is collected in the National Key Performance Indicators (nKPIs). For more information, see https://www.health.gov.au/topics/aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander-health/reporting/osr.

Table 1. Summary of OSR reports
OSR report Description Further information
OSR CS-1 How many episodes of health care were provided by your health service during year? CS-1
OSR CS-2 How many client contacts were made by each type of worker from the service during the year? CS-2
OSR CS-3 How many individual clients were seen by your health service during the period? CS-3
OSR CS-4 How many Adult Health Checks and Chronic Disease Management Plans were done during the year? CS-4
OSR HP-1 How many health promotion group activities were run during the year? HP-1
OSR L-6 How many clients were seen by the Link Up Service during the year? L-6
OSR L-7 How many client contacts were provided by the Link Up service during the year? L-7
OSR MCH-1 How many Child Health Checks were done during the year? MCH-1
OSR MCH-2 How many individual mothers have attended routine antenatal care during the year? MCH-2
OSR MCH-3 How many antenatal and maternal group activities were run during the year? MCH-3
OSR S-6 How many distinct individual clients were seen by your organisation during the year? S-6
OSR S-7a How many distinct individual clients received residential treatment/rehabilitation at your organisation during the year? S-7a
OSR S-7b What was the total length of stay for each of your clients in residential treatment / rehabilitation during the year? S-7b
OSR S-7c How many residential treatment/rehabilitation episodes of care were provided by your service during the year? S-7c
OSR S-10 How many distinct clients attended your sobering-up and/or residential respite/short term care programs during the year? S-10
OSR S-11 How many 'sobering up/residential respite/short-term' episodes of care were provided by your service during the year? S-11
OSR S-13 How many individual clients received 'non-residential/follow up / after care' from your organisation during the year? S-13
OSR S-14 How many 'non-residential/follow up / after care' episodes of care were provided by your service during the year? S-14
OSR SE-6 How many individual clients were seen by SEWB Counsellors during the year? SE-6
OSR SE-7 How many client contacts were made by SEWB Counsellors during the year? SE-7
OSR HCP Health Care Provider (HCP) report Included in Communicare V18.1 and later HCP