OSR CS-4 - Clinical Services CS-4 Record the count for the following clinical activities carried out during the Financial Year

How many Adult Health Checks and Chronic Disease Management Plans were done during the year?


Health checks are identified either by Medicare claims for item 715 or alternatively by clinical items with the system code of CHC (Child Health Check), AHC (Adult Health Check) and OHC (Older person Health Check). If both a MBS 715 and an alternative health check are recorded for the same patient, only the 715 check is counted.

Chronic disease management plans are identified either by Medicare claims for item 721 or alternatively by clinical items with the system code of CPA. If both a MBS 721 and any clinical items with system code CPA are recorded for the same patient, only the 721 plan is counted.

Because the claim and the evidence of the claim can be recorded on separate occasions, and because items 715 and 721 are usually annual claims, individual patients rather than individual claims or completed clinical items are reported .
Table 1. OSR CS-04
Element Description
Communicare reports
  • Report > OSR > CS-04 Clinical Activities
Business rules Evidence of claims for items 715 and 721 is searched for and if none is found, the clinical items are searched using the system codes of CHC, AHC, OHC and CPA.
Additional data recording considerations none