OSR MCH-2 - Maternal and Child Health MCH-2 Record the number of individual mothers who have attended a routine antenatal care conducted by your organisation during the Financial Year

How many individual mothers have attended routine antenatal care during the year?


Antenatal checks are identified by procedures with a PR-CHECK rule code; that is, all those items listed on the Obstetrics tab, Antenatal Check.

Table 1. OSR MCH-2
Element Description
Communicare reports
  • Report > OSR > MCH-02 Individual Antenatal Care Clients
Business rules

Any woman with an antenatal check performed during the report period is included.

For details of how to record an antenatal check, see Procedure, Immunisation, Pathology & Medicare codes reference.

If the response to the qualifier Antenatal check performed is anything starting with Elsewhere… the check is ignored. That is, if the response is At this encounter place or there is no response, the check is counted.
Additional data recording considerations none