Additional information for NT KPIs.

Before you start

For best results when reporting, use the datasets provided by Communicare rather than creating your own.

Before you can effectively use the NT AHKPIs you need to configure parts of your database.

Encounter place

Configure your encounter places:
  1. Select File > Reference Tables > Encounter Place.
  2. If you have only one clinic:
    1. From the Locality Group list, select Health Service Area.
    2. In the DHF Health Service Code field, enter the five digit code allocated by the Department of Health and Families.
  3. If you have multiple clinics, each encounter place must be allocated a unique locality group that defines the localities covered by that encounter place. Ideally all localities in the Health Service Area will be allocated to a single smaller locality group that will be allocated to a single encounter place. Each encounter place must also be given the appropriate DHF Health Service Code.
    To help you edit or create these groups, run the report Report > Reference Tables > Locality Group Analysis. Enter a range of post codes that covers your Health Service Area and the report will show you which localities belong to which locality group.

Data requirements

Review the data collection requirements. Check the Healthy for Life reports - many of the indicators are comparable to those defined for Healthy for Life.

Further data collection requirements include:
  • Anaemic children are identified by their latest qualifier Hb (Haemoglobin) recorded during the reporting period being less than 110 g/L (less than 105 g/L if under 12 months old).
  • Patients with albuminuria are defined as having a latest qualifier ACR (Alb/Creat Ratio) recorded during the reporting period as being greater than 3.4.
  • Patients are recognised as being on an ACE inhibitor, or ARB drug by checking their regular and current medications as selected from the appropriate ATC (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical) codes.
  • PAP smears are counted by looking for investigation requests for tests whose description starts with PAP smear (case insensitive) or for clinical items with the export code PAPSMEAR.
  • If you do not make Medicare claims then you will need to make sure that clinical items used to record care plans and health checks have the following system codes:
    • GP management plan items must use CPA
    • Team care arrangements must use TCA
    • Adult health checks must use AHC
    • Child health checks must use CHC
    • Elderly health checks must use OHC
  • Clients are assumed to be fully immunised if they have no overdue recalls for immunisations (excluding Panvax and Fluvax) or immunisation reviews that were due before the reference date or have an appropriate completed review. Immunisation review items should start Review;immunisation; followed by the age, for example, Review;immunisation;2 months age

Running the NT Aboriginal Health Key Performance Indicators (NT AHKPI) reports

Run the NT AHKPI reports from Report > NT KPI. Run each individual report to show data for each KPI.

The data export file is created at Report > NT KPI > AHKPI Data Export.

A summary view of the data export file is available at Report > NT KPI > AHKPI Data Export Summary.

Reports adhere to NT Aboriginal Health Key Performance Indicators, Definitions, October 2013, Version 2.0.4.

Included data

Because data is disaggregated by age, patients with no date of birth will not be included.

For KPI 1.2 to 1.15, only patients who have a patient status of Current at the end of the reporting period are considered.