Additional information for NSW KPIs.

Before you start

Configuration notes are valid for the Version 5.0 of the NSW KPI reports.

If your health service is using Communicare ‘out of the box’ and has taken advantage of datasets provided by Communicare, only the codes highlighted here need to be considered.

For best results when reporting, use the datasets provided by Communicare rather than creating your own.

Clinical items

This section identifies any local clinical items that may be evidence of procedures and other activity required for specific indicators.

Configuration is done at File > Reference Tables > Clinical Item Types.

Table 1. Required clinical items
Performance indicator For Description
Smoking Cessation
  • Any procedure or referral which is evidence of smoking cessation must use the system code SCS
  • Any procedure or referral performed which is in the Tobacco use services
Immunisation Types Influenza Communicare supports the Generic Influenza AIR vaccine, with vaccine code GNFLU, and its equivalents described in Equivalent and partial equivalent vaccines table - GNFLU entry. For example, GNFLU, PANVAX, FLUVAX, and so on.
Pertussis The following export codes identify pertussis vaccines: ADCL, ADPO, BOOST or BOIPV.

If you do not make Medicare claims, make sure that clinical items used to record care plans and health checks use the following system codes.


This section identifies any local qualifiers that may be evidence of details required for specific indicators.

Configuration is done at File > Reference Tables > Qualifier Types.

Table 2. Required qualifiers
Performance indicator Code Description
Smoking Cessation BIP Any clinical item that is evidence of ‘brief intervention’ should have a qualifier that is either:
  • A Yes/No qualifier with a system code of BIP
  • A reference qualifier where relevant responses have system codes of BIP.
Smoking Status SMO or SMP

The central qualifiers are appropriately coded, but if a local variation is used the qualifier itself must be a reference qualifier with the system code SMO or SMP (if recorded during a pregnancy).

Each reference must be coded in the following way:

  • System Codes:
    • S - current smoker
    • E - ex-smoker
    • N - never smoked
  • For export code SMO:
    • 1 - wants to quit now
    • 2 - wants to quit later
    • 3 - no intention of quitting
    • 4 - quit less than 12 months ago
    • 5 - quit 12 months or more ago
    • 7 = non-smoker
  • For export code SMP:
    • 1 - daily smoker
    • 2 - weekly smoker
    • 3 - irregular smoker
    • 4 - quit during pregnancy
    • 5 - quit before pregnancy
    • 6 - non-smoker
Central pathology qualifiers BPS, CHO, CHR, HDL, CVR-R05C, CVR-R05F, ACR, GFE, HBA, HBM, AUDITC, XHB, XHC, XCL, XGN, XSY, XHI Only of interest if the health service has local equivalents:
  • Systolic blood pressure is determined as the latest qualifier with system code BPS
  • Total cholesterol is determined as the latest qualifier with system code CHO or CHR
  • High density lipoprotein is determined as the latest qualifier with system code HDL or CHR
  • CVD risk assessment is determined as the latest qualifier with export code CVR-R05C
  • (CARPA) or CVR-R05F (Framingham).
  • Urinary Albumin Creatinine Ratio is determined as the latest qualifier with system code ACR.
  • Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate is determined as the latest qualifier with system code GFE.
  • HbA1c is derived from numeric qualifiers with a system code of HBA and units % or HBM and units mmol/mol converted to percentage.
  • AUDIT-C Score is determined by numeric qualifiers with an export code of AUDITC.
  • Hepatitis B result abnormal yes/no qualifier (system code XHB). The qualifier must be set to Yes to be counted.
  • Hepatitis C result abnormal yes/no qualifier (system code XHC). The qualifier must be set to Yes to be counted.
  • Chlamydia result abnormal yes/no qualifier (system code XCL). The qualifier must be set to Yes to be counted.
  • Gonorrhoea result abnormal yes/no qualifier (system code XGN). The qualifier must be set to Yes to be counted.
  • Syphilis result abnormal yes/no qualifier (system code XSY). The qualifier must be set to Yes to be counted.
  • HIV result abnormal yes/no qualifier (system code XHI). The qualifier must be set to Yes to be counted.

Investigation Requests

This section identifies keywords that need to be attached to any of your investigation request terms to identify them as STI test requests.

Configuration is done at File > Reference Tables > Investigations > Investigation Keywords.

STI request terms

Table 3. STI request terms
Infection keyword
Hepatitis B HepB
HBV DNA Viral load test HBV

Liver Function Tests

Liver Function Tests are determined from Pathology test requests that have a keyword of LFT.

Central and imported codes

This section refers to codes that are attached to ICPC2-Plus items, MIMS medications, incoming pathology results (LOINCs), and so on. Some labs use their own local codes to identify pathology results and use of LOINCs for text-based results is not consistent.

Table 4. Central & imported codes
Database Report Description
MIMS Smoking Cessation Medications with an indication containing the text smok or nicotine are identified as smoking cessation treatments. For example, the drug Champix is included because it has an indication of Nicotine dependence.
CVD Risk Treatment

Medications with an indication of hyperlipidaemia, hypercholesterolaemia or hypertension are identified as smoking cessation treatments. For example, the drug Cleviprex is included because it has an indication of Hypertension.

DAA Treatment Recent prescriptions are identified by the following generic components: pegylated interferon, daclatasvir, sofosbuvir + ledipasvir, ribavirin, sofosbuvir, paritaprevir + ritonavir + ombitasvir + dasabuvir, paritaprevir + ritonavir + ombitasvir + dasabuvir + ribavirin.
LOINC Incoming pathology results are identified by LOINCs (if supplied by the lab) for the specified STI. For more information, see https://loinc.org/. Additionally, if only positive results are reported, the lab must return an abnormal code.
ICPC Diagnoses Specific conditions for specific indicators are identified in the NSW specifications document Aboriginal Health Program Key Performance Indicators: Data Specifications 2019/20-2021/22 Version 5.0 February 2021