Reporting parameters

Reporting periods

National KPI reports are due at the end of the calendar year and the end of the financial year (31 December and 30 June). The nominal report period is one year but some of the reports are ‘point in time’ assessments as of the end of the report period. In these cases, there will be a currency period defined. For example, patients who, at the end of the report period, have had an HbA1c in the previous six months. See each indicator for details.

The OSR reports are due at the end of the financial year (30 June). Again, the nominal report period is one year.

Report parameters

nKPI report parameters

nKPI reports have the following parameters:
  • Locality Group - displays a list of all the locality groups configured on the database. Typically select one of the following:
    • <All Locality Groups> - effectively bypasses any reference to a patient’s home address at the end of the report period. Choose this option unless a decision has been made to exclude some patients based on where they lived at the end of the report period. For example, health services with large numbers of frequent visitors whose main health service is elsewhere.
    • Health Service Area - limits the report to patients whose home address at the end of the report period was a locality defined in this locality group. It is the health service’s responsibility to make sure that this locality group covers the full geographical area covered by the health service. This option will effectively exclude frequent visitors from outside the health service area.
    All other options are defined by the health service. The only times another locality group should be chosen is for internal reporting where a health service has multiple clinics covering different areas and for the few databases that cover more than one organisation where each is required to report separately to the Health Data Portal.
  • Patient Indicator - must be set to AIHW Regular Client, unless the report is being used for internal reporting only and Communicare Current Patient status is more relevant to the health service.
  • Last Report Date - either 31st December or 30th June of the relevant year. However, for internal reporting only, interim dates can be set. Typically choose the last date of any month rather than other dates of the month, because some indicators that look back a year or six months to determine a currency of some data values will round to the nearest month.
There are some exceptions to the parameters presented for specific nKPI reports:
  • PI01 and PI02 - you cannot select a patient indicator because all children born in the report period who have been added to the database prior to the end of the report period are included, unless they are Fictitious or were a Non-Patient at the end of the report period.
  • PI18 and PI19 (eGFR) - include an additional parameter of Chronic Disease to allow the report to be generated for either Diabetes Type II patients or Cardiovascular disease patients. Some patients with co-morbidities will appear in both options so totalling numbers from both must be done with care.
There are two reports for each nKPI: one contains the totals in a grid and the other lists patient names for internal data verification and clinical action only.

OSR report parameters

OSR reports all have the following parameters:
  • End of Year to Report - set to 30th June of the relevant year. For internal reporting purposes, any date can be selected. Typically, choose the last date of any month rather than other dates of the month because some indicators that look back a year or six months to determine a currency of some data values will round to the nearest month.
  • Locality Group - see description above.

Encounter place subset parameter (optional)

An optional Encounter place subset parameter is available on the nKPI reports and the OSR reports CS-1, CS-2 and CS-3. The Encounter place subset is supported by the nKPI reports and GRT in Specifications for National Key Performance Indicators and Online Services Reporting V16.1 and later (July 2024).

This option is relevant for health services where only some of the encounter places need to report nKPI or OSR data.

The Encounter place subset requires a token. Contact Communicare Support to configure subsets of encounter place for reporting.