Communicare has a new brand identity
June 21, 2021
June 21, 2021
For over 25 years, Communicare has been supporting health care professionals across multi-disciplinary health services across Australia.
Whilst our platform has evolved considerably during this period, our branding has largely remained unchanged. Until now. We’d like to introduce you to our new brand identity and we hope you love it, as much as we do.
Our logo represents a uniting of the primary & community health system across Australia, in order to add value to the system holistically.
It explores the use of organic shapes that are fluid and unrigid, to represent the merging of mindsets and therefore a tone that is authentic and inclusive. It explores motifs of cultural significance such as nods to natural forms, landscape, people and country.
Connection is a key theme.
Over the coming months we will continue to update all of our marketing assets to reflect this new brand.