New Customer Portal – Now Live
June 21, 2021
June 21, 2021
Communicare has just released our brand new customer portal, which you can now access as a Communicare user. Sign up now in less than 30 seconds.
Our customer portal provides important information on product updates, system issues, general news, and a full range of support resources for users and administrators. These support resources include:
– Access to our latest versions, release notes, and demo downloads
– System status updates including the status of external system linked to Communicare, like Medicare, MyHealthRecord, SMS, etc
– Our Learning Management System (LMS) where you will find our course catalogue and training courses. You can also reach out to our training team directly
– Latest news relevant to all users of Communicare
– Submit a support ticket for our Help Desk
– Plus, heaps more!
Sign up now in less than 30 seconds