New Learning Management System
April 21, 2021
April 21, 2021
With a fresh new layout and upgrades to all our existing courses and new training courses, our redesigned approach offers much more interactive learning materials. The new Learning Management System (LMS) is now totally self-serve, so you can register for an account and commence your e-learning at any time.
Our online courses have something for all levels of learner. Starting with our all new Communicare – Quick Start course, which is great value at only $99*, right up to the full show, the all new Communicare – In Depth which will take you through everything you need to know about the front end of our software for only $199*.
* All courses are charged on a per user basis for 30-60 days’ access, depending upon the course.
What’s new:
• New look and feel on an all new website
• Communicare – Quick Start (get started using Communicare in 40 minutes!)
• Communicare – In Depth (learn about all the modules on the front end)
• Enhanced online training with more interactive materials and quizzes
• Print your own certificates available at the end of each course (80% pass rate on quizzes required)
• A full training calendar showing all upcoming Superuser courses and other remote training opportunities
What’s been updated:
• Interactive elements added to existing Induction courses for Doctors, Nurses, Medical Reception, Health Workers and Community Services (SEWB) workers
• Course preview videos demonstrating what to expect from each course before purchasing
• Use of Coupon codes so you don’t even need a credit card to enrol in a course
• Free courses on the new 21.1 upgrade and medications updates
What’s coming:
• The updated Annual Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health check incorporating all RACGP recommendations and Medicare requirements.
We invite you to explore the e-learning Course Catalogue and see what Training Courses we can offer. You can also meet the Communicare training team who create and facilitate all our face to face and remote workshops.
So, check out our new LMS here and see for yourself!