Western Diagnostic Pathology
April 21, 2021
April 21, 2021
If you receive pathology results from Western Diagnostic Pathology, there is currently an issue with the message feed into Communicare affecting the eGFR result in the qualifier. The issue is related to the formatting centred around the symbol (> or <) that identifies the numeric structure of the incoming result for the eGFR. As a result the eGFR value is not automatically ingested by Communicare into the qualifier tables and graphs. The eGFR qualifier table and graph will NOT be populated with data to allow clinicians to see trends.
In addition some nKPI reporting may be affected in the interim (particularly PI18 and PI19).
Unfortunately, once the results are received and the data is NOT imported into the qualifier tables and graphs at the time, it is not retrievable at a later date. The only way to ensure that the qualifier tables and graphs are maintained to present the patients’ ongoing trends and impact the KPI reports is to add the results manually (see below) until the fix is implemented.
Westerns development team are working on correcting and testing the solution to address the eGFR formatting, but do not have a fix time at this stage.
We will continue to follow up with Westerns and keep you informed.
Adding qualifier values in manually:
1) Find a clinical item with the qualifier
2) Enter the qualifier result: