Open a service recording for patient interactions and add clinical items, record progress notes, prescribe medications, review investigations, write referrals and manage recalls.
This topic covers all Medications Management functionality within Communicare.
The S100 Management module provides access to the S100 Inventory and S100 Orders. This module applies only to WACHS.
Record patient encounters in Communicare using any one of the following methods.
Displays all Prescription, Administer and Supply medication information for the selected patient.
Use Communicare to prescribe medications.
Use Medication History to record medication for a patient of your service that may have been prescribed in hospital or by another practice.
In Communicare V20.1 and later, the separate Supply and Administer functions are merged into a single Administer and Supply function. Use Administer and Supply to record the administration or supply of a medication, or both administration and supply of a medication during the current service.
Imprest Management allows management of the Imprest drug list and the Imprest orders.
Consolidated orders are groups of medication requests that have been requested from an external pharmacy.
Use to manage the S100 Inventory, which is received through the S100 orders for patients at the selected S100 location.
S100 Supply is the act of handing over S100 medications to a patient or their carer or discarding the medications.
Displays all current active Prescriptions for the selected Patient.