S100 Inventory

Use to manage the S100 Inventory, which is received through the S100 orders for patients at the selected S100 location.

The Inventory record is populated or updated automatically when an S100 Order quantity is entered as received, or an S100 Supply is completed.

The S100 Inventory list shows the following details:
  • Patient's Details
  • Current Medications - all current active Prescriptions for the selected Patient
  • Stock Elsewhere - available only if the selected patient has some medication stock at another location
  • DAA Type / Medications - the medication's DAA pack name or medication name for non-DAA medications. The link on the DAA pack shows the contents of that specific DAA pack.
  • In Stock - specifies the quantity in stock for the medication or DAA pack. Manually update the In Stock quantity if required. Any manual updates to the In stock quantity update are traceable through the system.
  • Notes - record any notes or comments for the inventory
The S100 inventory list can be filtered on the following:
  • Encounter Place - all enabled service encounter places marked for S100 use are listed. The Inventory List is filtered on the selected encounter place.