Information Sharing Consent

Health Services have access to any information they have recorded internally. If you have a single database in your organisation used by multiple health services, you can also share information recorded by other health services with the clients' consent.

Certain basic information (such as name and address) is always shared in order to facilitate patient lookup and basic file administration. Additionally, MBS claims made for patient services will be visible across all health services regardless of the consent process. This allows a health service to ensure that a claim has not already been made by another health service prior to performing a service.
To record information sharing consent, the following modules must be enabled for your organisation in File|System Parameters|System tab:
  • Information Sharing Consent Maintenance
  • Information Sharing Consent Recording
The user must also belong to a user group with the following system rights:
  • Information Sharing Consent Maintenance
  • Information Sharing Consent Recording
To record a patient's information sharing consent:
  1. Click Biographics iconPatient Biographics and open the patient's record.
  2. On the Administration tab, click Change Information Sharing Consent Status.
  3. In the Information Sharing Consent window, select from the following options:
    • Sharing Clinical Information with Health Service Name not yet proposed - you will have access to the common data plus any clinical information recorded by your health service and will be able to view and update information, within the constraints of your normal access and viewing rights.
    • Declined proposed sharing of Clinical Information with Health Service Name - you will have access to the common data plus any clinical information recorded by your health service and will be able to view and update information, within the constraints of your normal access and viewing rights.
    • Give Consent to share Clinical Information with Health Service Name - you will have access to any information recorded by your health service and clinical information recorded by any other health service within your organisation.
    • Withdraw Consent to share Clinical Information with Health Service Name - you will not have access to clinical information recorded by other health services.
  4. Click Close.
  5. In the Password required window, in the Password field, enter your Communicare password and click OK.
If consent was granted, the time and date are recorded on the Administration tab.
Information Sharing Consent granted