AIR and Government reporting requirements

For Communicare to be able to transmit immunisation information to the AIR, and to meet national and state reporting requirements the following elements must be complete.

Table 1. Requirements for uploading to AIR and for reporting
Element Required for transmission to AIR Required for nKPI, NT AHKPI, NSW KPI reporting
Encounter place configured with AIR Provider number
Clinical item configured with AIR Export code
CCareQueue_ServicesAustralia configured
Biographics - names

Names must include only alphabetic characters and hyphens without surrounding spaces.

Biographics - addresses

Addresses must not include PO Box numbers in line 1 or 2 of the address field.

Address names must include only alphabetic characters and hyphens without surrounding spaces.

Biographics - locality

A locality with a postcode number recorded in the patient's biographic

Biographics - a valid Medicare number
Clinical Item - Immunisation;immunisation brand type
Immunisation qualifier - Dose this Course or Dose Number
Immunisation qualifier - Route and Site
Immunisation qualifier - Performed at this encounter place
Immunisation qualifier - Serial Number

Required for some immunisations such as Comirnaty

Immunisation qualifier - Vaccine batch (QLD)
Immunisation qualifier - Vaccine batch (all other states and territories)
Immunisation qualifier - Vaccine expiry date
Clinical Item - age-based immunisation review completed

Review;immunisation;Birth|2 month age|4 month age|6 month age|12 month age|18 month age|4 year age|50 year age

Clinical Item - Immunisation;influenza brand type