PI 18 - Kidney Function Testing

Proportion of Indigenous regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have a selected kidney function test result recorded.


Proportion of regular clients who are Indigenous aged 18 years and over, who are recorded as having one of the following:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease (CVD)
  • Type 2 diabetes and/or CVD
and who have also had one of the following:
  • An estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and an albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) test result recorded
  • Only an eGFR test result recorded
  • Only an ACR test result recorded
  • Neither an eGFR nor an ACR test result recorded
within the previous 12 months.


  • User may select between AIHW's definition of Regular Client (attended the OATSIH-funded primary health care service at least 3 times in 2 years), or Communicare's Current Patient status.
  • Patients must be recorded as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander or both.
  • ACR results are identified as belonging to a qualifier with the system code of ACR and eGFR results are identified as belonging to a qualifier with the system code of GFE. Both laboratory and manually entered results are included. For more information, see System codes.
Table 1. NKPI PI 18
Element Description
Communicare reports
  • Report > National KPI > PI18 Kidney Function
  • Report > National KPI > PI18 Kidney Function Patients
Numerator ACR and eGFR results must be within 12 months of the end of the report period. Both CVD and diabetes patients are disaggregated by whether or not they have both an eGFR,and ACR, or neither.
Denominator Regular, Indigenous patients aged 18 years and over at the end of the report period with Type 2 diabetes or CVD.

For more information about condition codes, see Condition codes reference.

  • Age
    • 18–24 years
    • 25–34 years
    • 35–44 years
    • 45–54 years
    • 55–64 years
    • 65 years and older
  • Sex
    • Male
    • Female
  • Chronic disease
    • Type 2 diabetes
    • Cardiovascular disease
    • Either or both of the above
  • Test
    • an eGFR only
    • an ACR only
    • both an eGFR and an ACR
    • neither an eGFR nor an ACR
Additional data recording considerations
  • Type 2 diabetes – specifically excludes Type I diabetes, secondary diabetes, gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), previous GDM, Impaired fasting glucose, and impaired glucose tolerance
  • ACR – refers to an albumin/creatinine ratio
  • an eGFR only – a recorded eGFR result, where an ACR result HAS NOT been recorded
  • an ACR only – a recorded ACR result, where an eGFR result HAS NOT been recorded
  • both an eGFR and an ACR – a recorded eGFR result AND a recorded ACR result
  • neither an eGFR NOR an ACR – an eGFR result AND an ACR result HAS NOT been recorded
  • Negative ACR and eGFR values are reported as not recorded

This information relates to V15.3 of the Specifications for National Key Performance Indicators and Online Services Reporting (Solving Health, Specifications for National Key Performance Indicators and Online Services Reporting V15.3. Sydney: Solving Health, October 2023). For more information, see https://www.solvinghealth.au/projects.