Intramail address book
An intramail message can be sent to any user or group that is displayed in the address book, which displays all registered Communicare users at a Communicare site.
To display the Select Recipients address book window, in the Intramail - New Message window, click To.
If a user's first and last name have not been defined, the user's login name is displayed.
Groups are differentiated from individual users by a group icon.
To select recipients:
- In the Intramail - New Message window, click To.
- Select one or more recipients from the list of registered Communicare users or
groups of users as a recipient. To select more than one user or group, press
CTRL+click or SHIFT + up or down arrow keys. Tip:To view or edit the current list of addressee groups, click Groups Editor.
- Click
right arrow to move the recipients to the right pane.
- Repeat for all recipients then click OK.
You are returned to the Intramail Message window where you can compose your message.