Investigations and documents

Communicare receives pathology and imaging results, letters and other documents electronically and sends documents and letters electronically using HL7 messages.

Incoming documents and results

Previously, Communicare used CCareQueue_Results to process incoming messages for most health services. In V22.2 and later, the Secure Message Exchange (CCareQueue_SMD) is used to send and receive ADHA compliant, interoperable, secure messages.

Communicare supports the following incoming documents with embedded data.

Table 1. Supported incoming document formats
Format Description Further information
HL7 (ORU):
  • HL7 (ORU) + PDF
  • HL7 (ORU) + formatted text (FT)
  • HL7 (ORU) + plain text
  • HL7 (ORU) + PIT
  • HL7 (ORU) + HTML
For incoming pathology and imaging results.

Coded qualifiers such as HBa1C, HDL, LDL are added to the corresponding qualifier fields in Communicare automatically if the OBX lines are coded.

For customers using CCareQueue_SMD for ADHA compliant, interoperable secure messaging, Communicare supports:
  • HL7 V2.3 ORU
  • HL7 V2.3.1 ORU
Communicare supports storing the same report in multiple formats and uses the first report with a valid size in the following priority order:
  • PDF
  • HTML
  • RTF
  • TXT
  • HL7 (MDM) + CDA
  • HL7 (REF) + PDF
  • HL7 (REF) + HTML
For incoming referrals, letters and documents. Communicare supports:
  • HL7 V2.3.1 MDM message with CDA document
  • HL7 V2.3.1 REF
  • HL7 V2.4 REF
If incoming letters or documents are listed on the Ix Results tab, ask the sender to send documents in one of these formats instead of as HL7 ORU files.
  • PIT (PIT)
Communicare still accepts PIT, however, coded qualifiers such as HBa1C, HDL, LDL, are not automatically added to the qualifier fields in Communicare and are not included in the qualifier summary, reports and graphs unless added manually to the patient's clinical record.

Ask your lab to return HL7 (ORU) with embedded PIT instead.

If you are using Medical-Objects for receiving documents and results, you will only be able to receive PIT (PIT) files and will not be able to receive HL7 (ORU) files. Communicare is collaborating with Medical-Objects to resolve HL7 (ORU) compatibility problems.

Communicate requires that PIT files are encoded with UTF-8.

Once processed, incoming documents and results are displayed in Documents and Results iconDocuments and Results. If the document or result is matched to a patient, it is also displayed in their clinical record.
Table 2. Location of incoming documents and results
Description Documents and Results iconDocuments and Results tab Clinical record tab
Incoming results Investigation Results Detail > Ix Results
Incoming referrals, letters and documents Received Documents Detail > Document

In incoming documents, the provider is identified by a valid Medicare provider number. If the provider number matches that of a provider added to Communicare, the provider name included in Communicare is listed in the Documents and Results iconDocuments and Results > Provider column. If the provider cannot be matched, the provider is displayed as UNKNOWN.

If the incoming message contains long names, they may be truncated. Names are limited to the following:
  • 40 characters - receiving doctor's name; patient's name
  • 100 characters - address
  • 55 characters - laboratory name

Outgoing documents

Communicare sends outgoing letters and documents, and referrals and discharge summaries using the letter format, to recipients via HealthLink, Argus or SMD in both PDF and RTF formats. CDA documents, such as eReferrals and discharge summaries are sent securely using HL7 MDM. Recipients receive PDF, RTF, or CDA, depending on which format their system supports.

Table 3. Supported outgoing document formats
Format Description Further information
  • HL7 (REF) + PDF
  • HL7 (REF) + RTF
For outgoing letters and documents, and referrals and discharge summaries using the letter format Communicare sends HL7 V2.4 REF_I12 if the recipient supports it, otherwise the following version is sent:
  • Argus - HL7 V2.3.1 REF
  • HealthLink - HL7 V2.3.1 REF
  • SMD - HL7 V2.4 REF
  • HL7 (MDM) + CDA
For outgoing eReferrals and discharge summaries sent securely Communicare supports:
  • HL7 V2.3.1 MDM messages with CDA documents
To generate CDA documents:
  • Login account must have a linked provider
  • Provider must have a valid HPI-I
  • Encounter place must have a valid HPI-O
  • Patient must have a valid IHI

Outgoing HealthLink messages contain an EDI code for your organisation so that message recipients can reply to your address if required. Include the EDI code provided to you by HealthLink in System Parameters - Secure Messaging.