Regenerating recalls

Every time a recall type is edited, the system attempts to rebuild all the automated recalls of that particular type.

You can regenerate recalls in one of the following ways:
  • To regenerate automated recalls and leave recalls that have comments attached or have non-standard intervals untouched, in the Automated Recall Types window, right-click the automated recall type and select Regenerate recalls. This option is not available for On Qualifier automated recalls.
  • Alternatively, you can force a more rigorous and slower regeneration of automated recalls using the procedure described below.
The order in which recalls are enabled and disabled or disabled and enabled affects which recalls are regenerated and how.
Manually entered recalls are never deleted.

This feature allows the system to regenerate recalls after changes to details of the automated recall type. Be aware however, that when you enable the recall type again, the recalls may not be generated in exactly the same way as they originally were. The differences are subtle and should not be a problem, but you should be aware of them.

For example, manually deleted recalls may be regenerated when they may not be wanted. For this reason it is usually better to cancel an unwanted recall type rather than delete it.
Any recall associated with the recall rule you chose to regenerate recalls for are deleted, even if they were added by a provider. Any recalls that are not associated with a recall rule and were manually added by a provider are not deleted.
To force the regeneration of automated recalls including generated recalls that have comments attached or have non-standard intervals, except On Qualifier automated recalls:
  1. Select File > Reference Tables > Automated Recall Types.
  2. In the Automated Recall Types window, double-click the recall type that you want to regenerate recalls for.
  3. In the Recall type properties window, deselect Enabled and click Save.
  4. In the Automated Recall Types window, right-click the now disabled recall type and select Delete outstanding recalls and in the Confirm window, click Yes.
  5. Double-click the recall type, set Enabled again and click Save.
  6. Right-click the automated recall type and select Regenerate recalls.

Be patient, there may be thousands of recalls to create, so it may take a while to regenerate.