Version 8.4

Release notes for V8.4.

Data Synchronisation

Users of Data Synchronisation Client should check the revised help topic.

Shared Electronic Health Records Version 2.2

There have been various changes to SEHR (formerly NT HealthConnect). Sites can now disable some of the functions of the SEHR without disabling the complete module.

NT Child Health Check Initiative

Sites in the Northern Territory can now use Communicare to record and submit details of Child Health Checks direct to AIHW. See Child Health Check Initiative Reporting for details.

Clinical Record

Main Summary: When the 'simple summary' is used at a clinic you can now double-click on an item on the summary and the item will open for editing. This is simpler that using the right-click function to find the associated service details and then selecting the item.

Manual Recalls: Your administrator can attach a $Recall keyword to frequently used manual recall types so that they appear as a shortlist on the Add Manual Recall button. This will save time searching for commonly used manual recall types. Also, manual recalls added by providers when reviewing test results from the In-Tray are now attached to a service and as such can be reported against the provider's name.

Automated Recalls: When a provider declines to add an automated On Completion or On Presentation recall a cancelled recall is added rather than no action being taken. The cancellation reason is recorded as 'Declined by user'.

Pregnancy warnings: When a medication with a pregnancy warning is added to the clinical record for a female patient aged 10 years or older a warning label is displayed. Clicking on the label displays the full pregnancy details from the MIMS PI.

Qualifier Summary: Central qualifiers can now be added as a summary item or removed as a summary item by your Administrator. This means, for example, that a site can choose to have Hb (haemoglobin) as a summary item for all patients or not.


There have been enhancements to the way the stopping of medications from the medication summary is handled. Deletion is reserved for medications prescibed in error. When a regular medication is stopped it is automatically removed from the regular list and the current medication is stopped. Note that when a regular medication is stopped from the medication summary and there are overlapping prescriptions for that medication, any old scripts that are still current (that is, have an until date in the future) will be stopped and appear as stopped medications.

Biographics Fields

There is now a further language field to record language spoken at home when this is different from preferred language.

It is also now possible to conceal the following fields if they are not required: preferred language, language spoken at home, country of birth and marital status. This is done by the administrator from the system parameters form.

Birthweight: This is now restricted to a maximum of 10kg. Users will be warned if the value they enter is greater than 5 and prevented from entering a value greater than 10.
as part of the upgrade to this version of Communicare, the following data cleaning is done:
  • all birthweights greater than 1000 and less than or equal to 10000 will be divided by 1000 on the assumption that the birthweight was erroneously entered in grams
  • all remaining birthweights greater than 10 will be cleared on the assumption that they are incorrect (for example, the weight was mistyped or an adult weight was recorded by mistake).

A report of patients whose birthweight has been adjusted will be provided on request.

Letter Writing Check Box

Please note that the interactive checkbox no longer appears in the tree view under Miscellaneous but can be found as a button on the toolbar or as a menu item on the Insert menu.


Many usability improvements:
  • You can now filter the view by any combination of place and mode
  • You can now choose to hide provider absences using the right click menu
  • When you insert a session for today, session templates that have an end time earlier than now, are not displayed for selection
  • If a patient is highlighted, that patient will be the default if you select the service list
  • You can use Ctrl-Click to select multiple slots
  • There are many changes to how appointment slots are selected and unselected on screen and how the process behaves according to how many and what sort of slots are selected.

User Group Maintenance

The administrator can now move a user from one group to another by dragging and dropping. This also has the advantage of preserving that user's default settings in Communicare.

Scheduled Reports

Communicare sites that have not yet set up the e-mail server details in System Parameters will have a default e-mail server and account details defined. This allows Communicare to schedule a regular monitor report that will allow us to monitor the health of your database.