Create an extemporaneous preparation for DVA DAA

You can set up extemporaneous preparations so that clinicians can select a DVA prescription for a DAA review or DAA supply item in the Drug Browser.

To define an extemporaneous preparation, you must have privileges to prescribe and modify Reference Tables.

The name of the extemporaneous preparation combined with the form must be less than 100 characters long.
To create a new extemporaneous preparation:
  1. Select File > Reference Tables > Extemporaneous Preparations.
  2. In the Extemporaneous Preparations window, click Add icon Add.
    Example of completed Extemporaneous Preparations non-drug medication
  3. In the Extemporaneous Preparations window, in the Name field, add a descriptive name for the preparation. For example, DVA DAA 6 MONTH PHARMACY REVIEW (VSMR) 99648P.
  4. From the Form list, select the form of the drug. For example Application.
  5. In the Formulation field, enter the recipe. Repeat the description name. For example, DVA DAA 6 MONTH PHARMACY REVIEW (VSMR) 99648P.
  6. Leave the Strength fields blank: strength is not required.
  7. In the Quantity and Default Repeats fields, enter the number 0 for the number of items in the pack and repeats displayed when prescribing the item.
    0 in the Quantity and Default Repeats fields triggers a request for an authority number when prescribing.
  8. In the Type options, set the availability of RPBS and Rx.
  9. Click Save iconSave.
  10. Repeat steps 2-9 for DVA DAA 6 MONTH SUPPLY 99647N.
    Example of completed Extemporaneous Preparations non-drug medication:
    Example completed Extemporaneous Preparations non-drug medication

The new extemporaneous preparation is displayed in the drug browser and clinicians can now write a DVA DAA prescription review or supply item.

To edit an extemporaneous preparation:
  1. In the Extemporaneous Preparations window, select the required preparation and clickEdit iconEdit.
  2. Repeat steps 4-9 above, editing only the required fields.