Central Data changes since V22.1

New and modified clinical items are summarised here.

Modified Qualifiers for PI 26

System and export codes have been added to the following central, ear health qualifiers so that data can be reported for PI 26 nKPI for V15.3 Specifications for National Key Performance Indicators and Online Services Reporting and later.
Table 1. Updated Central qualifiers
Category Export Code System Code Qualifier
Appearance OTOSCOPY1 L Otoscopy - Left
Otoscopy left ear
R Otoscopy - Right
Otoscopy right ear
OTO-NKPI L Drawing:eardrum (L tympanic membrane)
Ear exam: left
Ear exam: left comments/action
Otoscope image left ear
Otoscopy - Left
Otoscopy left ear
R Drawing:eardrum (R tympanic membrane)
Ear exam: right
Ear exam: right comments/action
Otoscope image right ear
Otoscopy - Right
Otoscopy right ear
LR Drawing:eardrum (L, R tympanic membrane)
Movement TYM-NKPI L Tympanometry - left
Tympanometry - L Canal Vol
Tympanometry - L Category
Tympanometry - L Compliance
Tympanometry - L ear - interpretation
Tympanometry - L Pressure
Tympanometry left ear
R Tympanometry - right
Tympanometry - R Canal Vol
Tympanometry - R Category
Tympanometry - R Compliance
Tympanometry - R ear - interpretation
Tympanometry - R Pressure
Tympanometry right ear
LR Tympanometry notes

New and modified clinical items

Some clinical items may be included in a dataset which is not available at your health service. Some clinical items may have been made available in previous updates to Communicare.
Table 2. New and modified clinical items
New clinical items Modified clinical items
Immunisation;Jynneos 0.1ml Intradermal ANFPP Home Visit Form
Immunisation;Moderna Spikevax 25 mcg ANFPP ASQ Result Form
Immunisation;MenQuadfi i-STAT;CG4+
Immunisation;Moderna Bivalent Spikevax Xpert POC test;Respiratory Infections
Immunisation;IXIARO Immunisation; Hexaxim
Immunisation;Imojev 0.1ml Intradermal Immunisation;Jynneos 0.5ml Subcutaneous
Immunisation;Pfizer Bivalent Comirnaty
Immunisation;Pfizer Bivalent BA.1 Comirnaty
Immunisation;Pfizer Bivalent BA.4-5 Comirnaty
Immunisation;Afluria Quad (NIP)
Immunisation;Afluria Quad (Non-NIP)
Immunisation;Fluarix Tetra (NIP)
Immunisation;Fluarix Tetra (Non-NIP)
Immunisation;Vaxelis, VAXLIS
PMHC Service Contact
PMHC Client
PMHC Episode Start
PMHC Episode End
1 If the qualifier should be included in the NT AHKPI indicator 1-20 Ear Disease in Children, use the export code of OTOSCOPY instead. For more information, see NT AHKPIs.