Centile Chart
While viewing the patient clinical record, you can access a graphical representation of the child development centile charts.

The centile charts are appropriate for the sex of the patient. If sex is not recorded then no centile charts are presented.
Click on the BMI, Head, Height or Weight button to change the display.
Communicare's child growth charts are based the 2007 child growth data published by the World Health Organisation. For more information refer to http://www.who.int/childgrowth/en/ and http://www.who.int/growthref/en/.
Note that length/height-for-age charts present discontinuity between 730 and 731 days, as the measurement changes from recumbent length to standing height at the age of two years.
Each of these charts automatically scale appropriately to the child's age so you always have the best overall view of the chart. Zoom in on the chart by dragging the cursor from top-left to bottom-right of the are of interest. Zoom out by dragging in the opposite direction.