Parameters for SQL Reports
When an SQL report requires input parameters the Report Parameters window is displayed.
For example:

Enter values for the parameters and click OK. The report is then generated.
Communicare remembers the values entered by you when you last used a parameter of the same name. For example, if you entered the value 01/01/2006 for the parameter First Date to Report, any other query requiring that parameter has that value entered by default.
Special Date Parameters
Note: Always check that the date has been interpreted correctly by checking the label to
the right before running the report.
Communicare SQL reports recognise the following entries for dates:
- A date in various formats such as DD/MM/YYYY, and so on, but we recommend
the following formats which are unambiguous:
Other formats, complete or otherwise, will be interpreted (for example, 10/2/07). Always check the date is what you intend.DD-MMM-YYYY (e.g. 10-FEB-2007) YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2007-02-10)
- Offsets from yesterday, today, tomorrow, for example:
today - 2 tomorrow + 1
- A specific day of the current week,
, for example:Friday
- A day in a different week,
(Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday) of (last/this/next) week
, for exampleMonday of last week
- A date made up of a day, month and year. The tailing portions may be
omitted. The portions are separated by
.- Day portion:
- a day number, for example
- a relative day,
[(+|-) n]
, for example:- second last day of the month,
last day - 1
- fifth Sunday (if there is no fifth, it goes to the
next month)
fifth Sunday
- second last day of the month,
- a day number, for example
- Month portion:
- a month relative to a set month,
Month [(+|-) n]
, for example:February + 1
- a relative month,
(last/this/next) month
[(+|-) n]
, for example:last month + 2
- a month relative to a set month,
- Year portion:
- a year relative to a particular year,
[(+|-) n]
, for example:2007 - 1
- a relative year,
(last/this/next) [financial] year [(+|-) n]
, for example:this year - 5 last financial year
- a year relative to a particular year,
- Day portion:
- Weeks start on Sunday and end on Saturday
- Days of the week can be written in full or using the three letter equivalent, for example, Friday or Fri
- Months of the year can be written in full or using the three letter equivalent, for example, January or Jan
- Financial year can be abbreviated to fin year
1 of Jan of last year
1 of April of 2006
first Monday of last month
last day -2 of last month
last day of this month
first day of January
second Monday of next month
last day of June of this financial year