Summary tab
The summary tab contains a summary of the patient's clinical record. Which panes are visible depends on which System Parameters have been set.
Main Summary
For any item included on the Main Summary tab, to go to the service in which the item was added, right-click the item and select Find Associated Service Details.
Active Problem/Significant History
The clinical items for which you set Display on Main Summary are listed in the Active Problem/Significant History pane together with additional information. Only one item is listed for each clinical item type, no matter how many times it is selected for display on the main summary.
- Consolidated:
- Times - a count of the number of times this clinical item type occurs in the patient's record, regardless of whether the other occurrences have been marked for Display on Main Summary.
- First - the date of the first occurrence of this type of clinical item.
- Last - the date of the most recent occurrence of this type of clinical item.
- Simple:
- Date
- Class
- Status
- Comment
To display a clinical item on the Main Summary tab, set Display on Main Summary when you add the clinical item to the clinical record. To display a clinical item that already exists on the Main Summary tab, on the Progress Notes or Detail tabs, double-click the item and set Display on Main Summary.
To remove a clinical item type from the Main Summary tab, right-click the clinical item type and select Remove Item from Summary. The original entries are not affected.
Alert information
The Alerts and Other Information or Alerts pane shows important information that you need to be aware of when dealing with this patient.
- Free text alerts - add or update alerts by typing in the pane or
deleting the relevant parts of the information. To format, edit or
print the text, right-click in the pane and select the required
option.If any text is added to the Alerts and Other Information pane, the banner shows Has Medical Alerts.Set At risk if appointments are missed to filter patients with an upcoming or missed appointment in some appointments reports. If an appointment is missed, the header of this section is highlighted in red.
- Structured Alerts - if enabled, any clinical items of class Alert added to the
clinical record are displayed in the Alerts and Other
Information pane.
To enable structured alerts, in Structured Alerts.
, enableTo add new structured alerts, click
New Alert or add a clinical item of type Alert. To edit an item, double-click it and edit as you would for any clinical item.
If a patient record has a structured alert, a count of alerts is added to banner.
To change the status of a structured alert, right-click and select one of the following options:- Make Active - structure alerts are automatically active when you first add them. You can make an inactive alert active again.
- Make Inactive - if an alert is not currently relevant, set it to inactive. Inactive alerts can be activated again.
- Make Resolved - if an alert is has been resolved, set it to resolved. The alert is removed from the alert list.
To search for an alert, enter a search term in the search field. Restrict the results by selecting a status on which to filter.
Adverse Reaction Summary
The Adverse Reaction Summary shows information for the current patient.
To add an adverse reaction, click New Adverse Reaction. For more information,
see Adverse Reaction
Maintenance form.
When adding a reaction, any current prescriptions that conflict with the adverse reaction are presented. When adding any prescriptions in the future, any conflicts require acknowledgement before prescribing can continue.
To display the most recent date that the patient was assessed for adverse reactions in the Assessment Date field, select an adverse reaction.
To view the details of reaction, double-click it.
To edit a reaction, right-click the required reaction and select Edit Reaction.
To delete a reaction, right-click the required reaction and select Delete Reaction.
Qualifier Summary
The Qualifier Summary pane displays the most recent measurements taken for qualifiers marked for summary. If the date is highlighted in red, the measurement has exceeded the "Currency" period defined in the qualifier types reference table. For details on how to set the currency period of a qualifier, see Qualifier Properties.
The date and value shown here may refer to data that is otherwise not visible to the user because it is attached to a clinical item type that the user is not allowed to view or may have been collected in a service associated with a program that the user is not allowed to see. However, if the user is not allowed to see any of the clinical item types that have this qualifier attached, that user will not see the qualifier listed in the qualifier summary at all.
To view a qualifier's history, double-click it. Only data that you're allowed to see is displayed.
To Do
The To Do pane displays a summary of all recalls and ongoing referrals due and not yet due.
To limit the items listed to those in the next year, set Filter To Do List.
If an expiry date has been specified for a recall, the time remaining until its expiry is displayed.
To complete, modify or cancel a recall, double-click an item in the list and select the option you require.
For more help on recalls, see the Recalls topic.
To manage referrals, double-click and modify or add further details. If the Referral Management system module is disabled, to remove an incoming or outgoing referral from the To Do list you need to either provide a Referral Complete date or use the Cancel button at the top of the clinical record if the referral was never completed. For more help on referrals see the Referrals topic. If the Referral Management system module is enabled, the incoming referrals are managed from within the incoming referral window and the outgoing referrals will function same.