Daily Process Service

The Daily Process Service is a Windows NT Service which can automatically run a variety of database tasks each day. For example, it will generate sessions and timeslots from the session templates and timeslot templates.
  • It is normally run only on the Server computer.
  • It runs each day (at midnight by default). The time can be set in services.ini under the Communicare folder.
  • Run CcDailySvc /install to self register as a service. Startup is Automatic.


The generation of appointments takes into account the following:
  • It sets the Horizon Date to indicate last date generated.
  • Dates before a Provider enable date or on or after Provider disable date will not generate sessions.
  • A session will not be generated if either the start or end (start+duration) of the session would overlap with either a public holiday or a planned absence for the designated provider.
  • A success message is output to the application log on every execution which includes brief statistics of the sessions generated.


The service will also run the CD Backup process (at 6AM by default). The time can be set in services.ini under the Communicare folder.

Automatic Recalls

The service also deletes invalid recalls. This includes recalls generated for patients who were under the maximum age when the recall was generated but who are now older than the maximum age.

Patient Status

This service also updates any patient whose status has not been changed manually. The rules are outline in the topic Automatic Patient Status Change.