Medicare details

Communicare performs validations to check that a patient's Medicare details are correct.

Patient Biographics

In the Change Person Details window, on the Personal tab, the Medicare verification status is displayed.

The most recent, saved, Medicare verification status is displayed in the Medicare pane:
  • Unknown verification status iconUnknown - never validated. To verify the patient's Medicare details, click Check Card Online.
  • Valid verification status iconValid - the Medicare details were valid at the date shown in the Last Validated field.
  • Error verification status iconError - Communicare could not connect to Services Australia. The date of the previous check is shown in the Last Validated field.
Tip: Out-of-date or incomplete Medicare information is highlighted in yellow. The following information must be included in the biographics for an OPV check to occur:
  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Sex
  • Medicare card number or reference number
You can manually check the Medicare details of a single patient in their patient record:
  1. Click Biographics iconPatient Biographics to open the patient search, and enter the patient's name.
  2. Double-click the required patient or select the patient and click Change Details.
  3. On the Change Person Details > Personal tab, in the Medicare section, click Check Card Online.
    Example verified Medicare details in Patient Biographics

The patient's Medicare card number is sent to Services Australia using OPV and is validated against the details that Medicare holds.

In the Service Recording list, patient search, or other patient lists, for patients whose Medicare Card details are incorrect or incomplete, a Incomplete Medicare details icon green card icon with a red slash through it is displayed. For patients with a valid Medicare card or whose details have been verified with Services Australia but with suggestions, no icon is displayed.