Editing supply of a medication

If required, you can edit supply details for a medication recorded by you in the same service.

Changes to supply do not affect the Imprest.

To edit the supply details of a medication in the current service:
  1. If the record is already open, go to step 4.
  2. In the Clinical Record, select Medication iconMedication > Admin supplyAdminister & Supply.
  3. Expand the medication whose details you want to edit.
  4. In the Supply details section, edit the supply details where required:
    1. In the Supply Quantity and Units fields:
      • Edit the amount of medication supplied, including fractional amounts where required
      • Edit the medication units
    2. From the Supply Mode list, select an alternative method for how the medication was supplied.
    3. In the Supply Notes field, edit the pertinent notes.
    4. If you want to reprint labels to attach to the medication, in the Print Labels field, enter the number of labels required and click Print Labels.
  5. Click Save.