Australian Nurse-Family Partnership Program

The Australian Nurse-Family Partnership Program (ANFPP) dataset is available to health services registered as ANFPP providers.

The Nurse Family Partnership program comprises a series of data collection forms that are completed by a home visiting nurse to collect information that is designed to suit a number of purposes. They include:
  • Identify and describe risk characteristics of the client
  • Keep a record of services provided and planned for future visits
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the nursing process
  • Monitor program fidelity
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the program and outcomes achieved

In Australia the Nurse Family Partnership program is delivered as part of a continuum of care delivered by Aboriginal Medical Services and their partner organisations and is an enhancement to existing maternal and child health services. Aboriginal Medical Services use a combination of electronic patient information systems and manual data collection to support service delivery and have developed communication arrangements with hospitals and other service providers to enable information exchange to support share care of antenatal clients.

This dataset was created in 2009 by JTA International and was last updated in 2022 by the College of Nursing & Midwifery at Charles Darwin University.

ANFPP provide training and documentation to health services before this dataset is made available in Communicare. For more information, see

After the ANFPP training is complete, contact Communicare Support and arrange for the ANFPP dataset to be imported to your Communicare instance.

The import creates a set of clinical items and reports that reflect the paper data collection forms.

The Australian Nurse-Family Partnership dataset comprises the following items:
  • Clinical items:
    • ANFPP ASQ Result Form
    • ANFPP ASQ SE Result Form
    • ANFPP Client Change of Status Form
    • ANFPP Client Contact Form
    • ANFPP Contact with Service Agency
    • ANFPP Demographic Details Form (Intake)
    • ANFPP Demographic Details Update Form
    • ANFPP Domestic and Family Violence
    • ANFPP Edinburgh Postnatal Screening Tool
    • ANFPP FPW Home Visit Form
    • ANFPP Growth and Empowerment Measure
    • ANFPP Health Habits Form
    • ANFPP Home Visit Encounter Form
    • ANFPP Infant Health Care Form
    • ANFPP Kimberley Mum's Mood Scale
    • ANFPP Maternal Health Assess (Intake)
    • ANFPP PLUM and HATS Result Form
    • ANFPP Pregnancy Outcome Form
    • ANFPP Program End
    • Referral;ANFPP
  • Reports, ANFPP > :
    • Client Attrition Summary V3
    • Client Summary V3
    • Data Dictionary
    • Data Export V3
    • Formal Reflection Activity V3
    • Home Visit Summary (CC) V3
    • Home Visit Summary V3
    • Referral and Outcome Log V3
ANFPP clinical items are prefixed with ANFPP and are added to a ANFPP button in clinical records.
Example ANFPP clinical items in the clinical record
Tip: After the ANFPP dataset is enabled, your Communicare Administrator must manually enable the clinical items in File > Reference Tables > Clinical Item Types before clinicians can use them.

If you need help completing the ANFPP clinical items, email

For more information about ANFPP reports, see ANFPP reporting.