ICPC-2 PLUS is a core dataset used by Communicare. The dataset allows health professionals to record symptoms, diagnoses, past health problems and processes (such as procedures, counselling and referrals) in a standardised way.

The International Classification of Primary Care [Version 2] (ICPC-2) is a classification designed for primary care, developed by the World Organisation of Family Doctors (Wonca). It classifies information relating to why the patient has come for the consultation (the reasons for encounter), the problems managed during the encounter, procedures, referrals, imaging and pathology tests. ICPC-2 has been endorsed as the Australian standard for classification in general practice and patient self-reported data... ICPC-2 PLUS is an extended terminology based on ICPC-2. It has been designed specifically for use in electronic health records. It was developed using over one million encounter records and therefore uses terms that are common in Australian general practice. ("ICPC-2 PLUS, INFORMATION FOR USERS", WHO Collaborating Centre for Strengthening Rehabilitation Capacity in Health Systems University of Sydney, Sydney School of Health Sciences, 2023)

) ICPC-2 PLUS is also known as the BEACH coding system.

ICPC-2 PLUS is the preferred dataset for Communicare. All reports available for use within Communicare are structured using this dataset

The ICPC-2 PLUS dataset is supplied by University of Sydney. Charges apply for end users of ICPC-2 PLUS. All end users must sign an ICPC-2 PLUS end user contract before access to ICPC-2 PLUS is provided. For more information, contact Communicare Support.