Codes to support nKPI PI 26 Ear Health Checks
Add export and system codes to any qualifiers used in local clinical items that you want to use to capture evidence of an appearance or movement check, for each ear, to include in nKPI reporting for PI 26 Ear Health Checks.
To include local qualifiers, in
:- Identify a qualifier as an appearance check by adding the export code of
OTO-NKPI.Note: If the qualifier should be included in the NT AHKPI indicator 1-20 Ear Disease in Children, use the export code of OTOSCOPY instead. For more information, see NT AHKPIs.
- Identify a qualifier as a movement check by adding the export code of TYM-NKPI
- Identify each of the appearance or movement checks with a system code of L, R or LR to identify that the qualifier check covers either the left or right or both ears.
- Add options for each qualifier that record that a check was not done with a
system code of 0. All other options that record that a check was performed
satisfactorily should have a system code of 1. If there is no system code
recorded it is assumed that the check was done. Note: The technical specifications also list a set of ear conditions that are acceptable as evidence of both ear appearance and ear movement if dated during the reporting period if no other evidence of ear assessment is found.
For a list of Central qualifiers updated for PI 26 to use as a guide, see Table 1.