Detail tab
The Detail tab displays
the clinical items and clinical data that make up a patient's clinical record. The content
displayed depends on the type of clinical item or data. Investigations and medications are
also listed.
You can select the way in which clinical items about the current patient are listed. Select from the following options:

- Class - groups clinical items by the
Class attribute (data values), or clinical data of the
same type on separate tabs. If a tab is not displayed for a patient, there are
no clinical items of that class or clinical data included in that patient's
record. The following tabs may be included:
- Admission - lists all clinical items recorded in Communicare with a Class attribute of Admission.
- Adverse Reaction - lists any recorded adverse reactions.
- Alert - in V20.1 and later, lists any recorded structured alerts.
- Condition - lists all clinical items recorded in Communicare with a Class attribute of Condition.
- Document - lists all incoming and outgoing
documents and letters including referral letters.
- Incoming documents - unreviewed, incoming documents are highlighted in red; reviewed documents are not highlighted.
- Outgoing documents - for documents sent using secure messaging, the status of the secure message & the recipient's name are displayed when you select the document. Document information is also displayed in the Outgoing document status. tab. For information about secure message statuses, see
- History - lists all clinical items recorded in Communicare with a Class attribute of History.
- Immunisation - lists a patient's full immunisation record, that is all clinical items recorded in Communicare with a Class attribute of Immunisation. If this tab is not displayed, no immunisations have been recorded in Communicare.
- Ix Request - lists all investigation requests.
- Ix Result - lists all investigation results.
- Unreviewed results are highlighted in red.
- Reviewed results are not highlighted.
- Procedure - lists all clinical items recorded in Communicare with a Class attribute of Procedure.
- Referral - lists all clinical items recorded in
Communicare with a Class attribute of
- The date displayed is the date the referral was created; if an appointment is added the date displayed is the date of the appointment
- Active referrals are highlighted in gold.
- Expired referrals are highlighted in red.
- Completed referrals are not highlighted.
- Rx - Administer - lists medications that were administered to the patient.
- Rx - Prescription - lists a patient's full
prescribing record for all time, including regular and once-off
prescriptions and medication orders. It also lists all expired and
stopped medications that are no longer displayed on the
Medication Summary.
- Active medications are highlighted in green.
- Expired medications are highlighted in red.
- Rx - Supply - lists medications that were supplied to the patient.
- SMS - lists all SMS messages sent to the patient.
Tip:If your site does not use Prescribing, and some medications are still recorded, you may see Acute Medication and Chronic Medication instead of Rx - Prescription. - Topic - groups medical or health related data. Use this
view to show information about general health or a medical area of interest.
Each topic for which the patient has information recorded is displayed on a
separate tab. If the patient has no information recorded under a topic, no tab
is displayed. For example, if a patient has no information recorded about Child
health, the tab for the topic Child does not display.
Topics are unique to each organisation. Two special tabs are:
- Medication - shows prescriptions, administer and supply records
- Unclassified Documents - shows documents not yet sorted into an appropriate topic
- Date - the default option that lists all the clinical items chronologically starting with the most recent at the top of the list. Its primary purpose is to see what has happened recently, or for a period in the past.
Communicare retains the last tab viewed for both View by class and View by topic. For example, if the Referral tab is viewed for a patient and a new patient is selected, the Referral tab is initially shown for the new current patient.
Clinical items can be added, changed and deleted, or recalls completed from all clinical record views. Double-click a clinical item to display details for viewing and editing, depending on what type of clinical item is selected. If the item is a recall you will be prompted to complete the recall.
Detail tab actions
- Find Associated Service Details - display the service on the Progress Notes tab during which the clinical item was added
- Show Deleted Items - toggle between displaying deleted clinical items and medications or not. Deleted items are prefixed with <Deleted>.
- Reset Normal Ordering - if you have ordered the data based on a particular column, use to revert to the default ordering
- Service List - display a list of all services for the patient
- For prescribed medications:
- Stop Medication - stop a medication you want to discontinue
- Adjust Medication - change the duration, until date and add comments
- Make Regular - convert a once-off or short course medication to a regular medication
- Create Once Off Medication Order - create a medication order from a prescription medication for administer or supply
- Edit Medication - edit a medication created by you in the current service that has not been finalised
- Repeat Medication (represcribe) - represcribe the selected medication
- Delete Medication (prescribed in error) - delete a medication that was prescribed in error
- Finalise Prescriptions - if you have a prescriber number, finalise a prescription to assign a script number
- Reprint Prescriptions - if you have a prescriber number and you've made changes, reprint a prescription. Ensure you destroy any scripts that you have already printed.
- Request a Pathology Investigation - open the Add Investigation Request (Pathology) window
- Request a Diagnostic Imaging Investigation - open the Add Investigation Request (Imaging) window
- Hide normal results from monitoring system - hide normal results from virtual health monitoring applications in the Detail tab in all clinical records. For more information, see Hiding normal monitoring results.
For conditions, including pregnancy, procedures and history items, to check for any medication interactions, select Check Interactions.
For investigations, you can also print and edit investigation requests, and edit investigation results.
Details search
- In the Search text field, enter a word or phrase.
- Click
Search Now.
Only those items with that word or phrase in the name or comment are displayed.
To clear the search and display all items, click Clear Search.
To filter items automatically as you type, set Search Automatically.
Qualifiers pane
Qualifiers for the record in the main window pane are displayed in a pane of their own at the bottom right. Double-click on a qualifier to display previous measurements.
Changing the order of items
Items in the clinical record can be ordered by other columns such as Description, Comment, and so on by clicking on the title at the top of the column. To restore the default order, right-click a column and select the required option.