System Parameters - Web Services

Use the Web Services tab to configure the addresses of the web services used in Communicare.

Security certificates for the web services are maintained on Organisation Parameters - Certificates.

Table 1. Web Services parameters
Pane Parameters & Description
Secure Message Exchange If you search online provider directories or use secure messaging using the combined address book, Communicare Support will complete the following for your health service:
  • Set Enable Secure Message Exchange
  • In the URL field, enter the web address of the Secure Message Exchange.
  • From the Certificate list, select a certificate. The certificate determines which online provider directories the health service can access. Only those organisations in Communicare with a NASH org certificate are listed. For more information, see Certificates Maintenance.
Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service Set Enable HI Service and enter the web service address of the HI Service, either:
  • Production URL:
  • Test URL (for use in the Demo only):
Electronic Transfer of Prescriptions (ETP) The path to the eRx Adapter software that enables ETP, entered by Communicare when this module is enabled.
Enterprise Provider Directory (EPD) Service If using the EPD address book with Argus, specify the web service address of the EPD:
  • For the Demo only:
    • URL -
    • API Key - Y29tbXVuaWNhcmUtZGV2Ok1rakdUNEFyVXhSc2RvSExJbFIw
  • For production:
    • URL -
  • API Key - contact Communicare Support
Communicare Web Service Specify the address of the Communicare web service. For example,
My Health Record Service Specify the web service address of the My Health Record Service, either:
  • Production URL:
  • Test URL (for use in the Demo only):
Real-Time Prescription Monitoring (RTPM) Service Specify the address of the RTPM web service and the RTPM API key.
This web service is used by all states. You may also need to allow a firewall exception for the IP addresses associated with this URL. For more information, see RTPM firewall exceptions.
EMPI Search Specify the web service address of the EMPI search service.
Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Do not set this option. The CDS service is no longer available. Communicare instead uses the MIMS database installed locally.
Services Australia
In V21.3 and later, settings required to connect to Service Australia's web services. Set Enable Services Australia to use these settings.
  • General settings:
    • System Identifier - the name of the OPV API, for example, communicare.resourcemanagement
    • Device Identifier - the foreign key for the system identifier. This is the global PRODA device ID setting for your organisation.
    • Identifier - the name of the Communicare server instance, for example, CCAREQA05
  • Medicare Endpoint - for integration with Medicare Online:
    • URL - the URL of the Telstra Health Services Australia API, for example,
    • Namespace - the namespace for Services Australia objects, for example,
  • Immunisation Endpoint - for integration with the AIR:
    • URL - the URL of the Telstra Health AIR API, for example,
  • API Credentials :
    • Client ID - the ID assigned to your health service by Telstra Health, provided by Communicare Support
    • Client Secret - an authorisation key from Telstra Health, provided by Communicare Support
    • Authentication URL - the URL used to authenticate access to Services Australia.
    • Scope - the API endpoint scope which defaults to api://{clientId}/.default
  • Message Bus Credentials:
    • Client ID - the ID assigned to your health service by Telstra Health, provided by Communicare Support
    • Client Secret - an authorisation key from Telstra Health, provided by Communicare Support
    • Authentication URL - the URL used to authenticate access to Services Australia.
    • Scope - the message bus scope which defaults to
The default timeout for calls to Services Australia is 5000 milliseconds. If you would like this changed, contact Communicare Support.
SNOMED Terminology Specify the settings of the SNOMED terminology server, used to validate SNOMED codes assigned to clinical items.
  • Browser Location - the web application to browse SNOMED terminology. Default:
  • FHIR Validation Service - the URL used to access a FHIR terminology server. Default:
  • Authentication URL - the URL used to authenticate access to the FHIR terminology server. Leave this field blank if your terminology server does not require authentication. Default:
  • Client ID - the ID assigned by the FHIR terminology server.
  • Client Secret - an authorisation assigned by the FHIR terminology server.
Your health service can use one of the following terminology servers:
  • National Clinical Terminology Server (NCTS) provided by Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA). Register at
  • A terminology server provided by Telstra Health
  • A terminology server hosted by your organisation or a third party
National Cancer Screening Register (NCSR) Specify your organisation's National Cancer Screening Register (NCSR) registration details:
  • URL - the URL of the NCSR API
  • Certificate - your organisation's NASH certificate
    First upload the certificate to File > Reference Tables > Certificates.
Before you can specify NCSR settings, on the System tab, first enable the NCSR Integration module.
Script Exchange
In V22.1 and later, settings required to enable Electronic Transfer of Prescriptions (ETP) and connect to an ETP service, such as eRx, using Telstra Health Script Exchange. Contact Communicare Support to register for ePrescribing.
  • General settings:
    • System Identifier - the customer code emailed to you when you registered for ePrescribing with Telstra Health, for example, CCARE05
    • Identifier - the authoring system foreign key emailed to you when you registered, for example, CPHS-123
    • Queue Name - the queue used to communicate with Script Exchange emailed to you when you registered, for example, CCareQueue_ScriptExchange/Classic-<CustomerCode>-<Environment>-01
    • Namespace - the namespace for Script Exchange objects, for example,
    • Client ID - the ID emailed to you when you registered.
    • Client Secret - an authorisation key emailed to you when you registered.
    • Authentication URL - the URL used to authenticate access to eRx script exchange, for example,
The default timeout for ePrescribing is 15 seconds. If you would like this changed, contact Communicare Support