Immunisation Age Based Reviews

The Immunisation Age Based Reviews dataset defines regular immunisation reviews based on age.

When this dataset is enabled, the automated recall system will populate eligible patients’ clinical records with recalls for:

  • Review;immunisation;Birth - On Registration recall due at birth with a maximum age of 2 months.
  • Review;immunisation;2 month age - On Registration recall due at age 2 months with a maximum age of 4 months.
  • Review;immunisation;4 month age - On Registration recall due at age 4 months with a maximum age of 6 months.
  • Review;immunisation;6 month age - On Registration recall due at age 6 months with a maximum age of 12 months.
  • Review;immunisation;12 month age - On Registration recall due at age 12 months with a maximum age of 18 months.
  • Review;immunisation;18 month age - On Registration recall due at age 18 months with a maximum age of 4 years.
  • Review;immunisation;4 year age - On Registration recall due at age 4 years with a maximum age of 12 years.
  • Review;immunisation;12 year age - On Registration recall due at age 12 years with a maximum age of 15 years.
  • Review;immunisation;50 year age - On Registration recall due at age 50 years.

If your organisation is reporting on the nKPI, NT AHKPI or NSW KPI for ‘proportion of children who are fully immunised’, the business rules of the reports are that the report will not look for evidence of each and every immunisation required at specific ages, but rather will look for:

  • Overdue recalls for age-based reviews
  • Evidence of completed age-based reviews
  • Absence of overdue recalls for any immunisation other than those known to be influenza vaccines.
If your organisation is reporting on the nKPI, NT AHKPI or NSW KPI, this dataset must be enabled. If your organisation would like to create locally maintained versions of these clinical items to be able to add additional qualifiers, ensure that the export code associated with each review;immunisation<insert age> is included in the clinical item, as it is the export code that enables the reporting outcome of fully immunised children.

For more information see Key Performance Indicators