Immunisation Vaccines

The Immunisation Vaccines dataset is a list of vaccines by brand name and includes the AIR Export Codes.

When this dataset is enabled, the vaccines can be recorded as structured data (clinical items and qualifiers) within Communicare.

The vaccine clinical items are populated with the AIR vaccine code in the clinical items export code field. The export code is one of the components that will transmit the immunisation notification to the AIR. Without the AIR export code, the immunisation will not be transmitted to the AIR.

The AIR export codes are sourced from Services Australia: Services Australia AIR export codes.


Influenza immunisations are recognised using the Export Codes on clinical items of type Immunisation;brand code for the GNFLU vaccine and its equivalents, described in Equivalent and partial equivalent vaccines table - GNFLU entry. For example, GNFLU, PANVAX, FLUVAX, and so on. These vaccines may change annually.

Listed in the Non-standard vaccines and Equivalent and partial equivalent vaccines tables are:
  • COVID-19 vaccines. For example, AstraZeneca COVISHIELD (ASTCOV), Bharat Biotech Covaxin (BHACOV), Pfizer Comirnaty (COMIRN), Immunisation;Pfizer Bivalent (COMBIV), AstraZeneca Vaxzevria (COVAST), Gamaleya Sputnik V (GAMSPU), Moderna Spikevax (MODERN), Moderna Bivalent Spikevax (MODBIV), Novavax NUVAXOVID (NOVNUV), Sinovac Coronavac (SINCOR).
  • Monkey Pox vaccines. For example, ACAM2000 (ACAM), Generic Smallpox (GNPOX), JYNNEOS (JYNNEO).
  • Japanese Encephalitis vaccines. For example, Imojev (IMOINT), IXIARO (IXIARO).
  • Meningococcal vaccines. For example, MenQuadfi (MENQDF).
For customers using the Immunisation Vaccines dataset, example codes include:
  • Immunisation;flu, GNFLU
  • Immunisation;influenza, GNFLU
  • Immunisation;Afluria Quad, AFLR
  • Immunisation;Afluria Quad (NIP), AFLQUA
  • Immunisation;Afluria Quad (Non-NIP), QUADAF
  • Immunisation;Agrippal, AGRPAL
  • Immunisation;Flucelvax Quad, FCELQD
  • Immunisation;Fluzone High-Dose Quad, FLHDQD
  • Immunisation;Fluarix, FLRIX
  • Immunisation;Fluarix Tetra, FLUTET
  • Immunisation;Fluarix Tetra (NIP), FLXTET
  • Immunisation;Fluarix Tetra (Non-NIP, ARXFLU
  • Immunisation;Fluad, FLUAD
  • Immunisation;Fluzone High-Dose, FLUHID
  • Immunisation;Fluad Quad, FLUQAD
  • Immunisation;Fluarix Tetra, FLUTET
  • Immunisation;bioCSL Fluvax, FLUVAX
  • Immunisation;Fluvirin, FLVRN
  • Immunisation;FluQuadri Junior, FQDJN
  • Immunisation;FluQuadri, FQUAD
  • Immunisation;Fluvax Junior, FVXJNR
  • Immunisation;Influvac Tetra, INFLTA
  • Immunisation;Influvac, INFLUV
  • Immunisation;Panvax (H1N1 Influenza), PANVAX
  • Immunisation;Panvax (H1N1) 0.25ml, PANVAX
  • Immunisation;Panvax (H1N1) 0.5ml, PANVAX
  • Immunisation;Vaxelis, VAXLIS
  • Immunisation;Vaxigrip, VAXGRP
  • Immunisation;Vaxigrip Tetra, VAXTET
  • Immunisation;Vaxigrip Junior, VGRJNR